Lies Can Kill

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Lies, lies, lies!
They smile at you
And then pout their lips
Making concerned faces
And opening their mouths
To tell you that they care!
They laugh at your jokes
Like they're the funniest they've ever heard
And compliment you
Only a fool will believe!

Once they leave your presence
They forget about you
You are like dust
Blown away by the Harmattan wind from their memories
They only remember you
In times of need
When stormy clouds hang above their heads

The way they seek you out
It's like they have inbuilt GPS systems
The way they implore for your help
It's like you're their only saviour.

Don't be a fool!
Don't be deceived!

Their lips may curve upwards
But their eyes wish for you
To go downwards
To the underworld below

Remember, dearest one,
That life has no duplicate!
There are people who will celebrate your demise!
Only God in Heaven
Can help you to tell
The difference between
Liars and honest people

Lies can kill
Because they enchant you easily
They are like sugar
Poured onto the tongue of your ears
They make you let your guard down!

Deception, Destruction and Death
Work closely.
Beware, dearest one.

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