A Work in Progress

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She is in a place where she is content most times, occasionally worrying about little things that shouldn't matter- like her muffin-top that no one else sees, or her slender body that she feels is too 'thin' for her heritage. When she speaks, it is with confidence and laughter that is deep and rich; that she knows. She is still learning to exult in the divine femininity that is the African Woman she was born as, and is ever loyal to the Motherland, the place of origin and land of treasure often robbed by strangers and denied by her own children.
She looks into the mirror at that skin, the strong face, broad nose and full lips, the kinky hair that rises up defiantly, and realises every day that she is truly beautiful, powerful, even.

Beauty is what you make of it. If you see yourself as beautiful, then no one can make you think otherwise.

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