20. Everlasting

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It was only when I entered the ballroom that I realized I still had Kaylan's jacket draped over my shoulders. Before I could contemplate returning it, the sound of shoes echoed on the marble floors and Jasper came into view.

He took in my soaked state with one glance. I didn't miss the slight pause that occurred when his eyes laid on the jacket.

I cleared my throat. "The patio floor was slippery. I was looking at the pool and went too close so. . ." I shrugged.

Maybe it was because he was too far, and couldn't see my body language. Or maybe he decided for some reason not to pursue. In the end he merely snapped his fingers, and the butler from before materialized out of thin air.

"Get a dress for Miss Hayley. Make sure she's warmed up. A hot bath should help."

The butler bowed, and I followed him out. As we walked past Jasper gestured, like an afterthought.

"Oh, and for the new dress? Make sure it's blue."


The warm bath did help, tremendously. I wanted to stay in there and not come out forever. I leaned back with a sigh, feeling the soap against my skin. In my hands I kept turning over the phone the butler had given.

The number Thomas had used was unlisted, and couldn't be called back. So I just stared at it dumbly, waiting. Like a heron by the stream.

Why can't I just let it go?

Sighing, I got out of the tub and dried myself. Surprisingly enough, I didn't love the new dress as much as I loved the red one. There were too much ruffles. And if I was to be honest with myself, I did look better in red.

I was in the middle of putting on my heels when my newest phone rang. Was it normal for someone to have three phones? It rang for three times before I finally picked it up.

"I heard you took a dip in the pool. Liked it?"

I made a casual rolling motion of the shoulders, even though I knew he wasn't there to see. "Well, it could have done with more lights."

"Hmm. I'll make sure to tell the electrician that."

So he lives here?

There was some background noise and I heard a new voice speaking. A low distinct murmur of "Everything's done in the Sakura Room." Thomas murmured a vague reply back, his voice retreating into the distance, before coming back near the receiver. 

"Well! Duty calls. Be going now. Try not to cause any trouble, okay?"

"What do you mean, trouble - "

The line disconnected. I exhaled, staring at it.

God, I missed that voice.

I set my jaw. If he thought this was the end of it he was severely wrong. I took Kaylan's jacket and stepped out of the room, looking around the corridor. The butler was nowhere in sight. A maid passed by just then, and I called out.

"Excuse me, do you know where the Sakura Room is?"


The house was frigging huge. It was gorgeous too, with resplendent paintings on the wall, along with soft lush carpets under the feet.

Walk down this corridor, then take the second left. Take another right after that and the room is at your left. 

The heels made no sound as they sank into the soft fabric of the carpet. The corridors were long and empty - until I rounded a corner and saw the three men talking ahead. 

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