39. Army of Justice

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"Okay." I stared at the large printed sheet of Octagon's inner layout. Before I'd handed them over to Jasper, I had made copies of the blueprints, just in case. "Right now, everything rides on who gets to the will first. William, where did you say you got the info on the clearance activity from? The website?"

"Uh, not really. I sorta managed to get inside one of their employee's emailing network and pulled it from his latest correspondence. It seems to be some sort of internal memo that was passed down among selected circles."

Kaylan let out a low whistle. "Nerd boy just did some illegal hacking! I sense an upgrade to bad boy status coming along."

"Well Black and Tan are an illegal criminal organization - so by the law of 'two negatives make a positive' one could hypothetically argue that what I did wasn't illegal. And what do you mean an upgrade?" William retorted. "Hacking isn't as easy as standing around all broody and sulky and pulling the my parents are on the school board card, you know."

"He's got a point there," Emrys commented.

Damian arched an eyebrow. "Someone's feisty today." 

"Sorry," William muttered. "I'm just - nervous."

"Also - Kaylan's parents are on the school board?" Damian went on.

Kaylan shrugged. "My father tries to have a hand in everything that gives him power. Why else do you think the students and teachers leave me alone?"

"Guys." My voice sounded pained to my ears. "Can we please get back on topic?"

I looked back at the Octagon blueprint. "If it's an internal memo, that means the clearance is something that Black and Tan want to get done discreetly and quietly. So they'll be fast. We'll have to move faster than them. Damian, did Jasper give you an exact go-time?"

Damian shook his head. "Not really. But if he does what Blackcroft usually does, we'll probably spend the morning prepping, and hit the ground rolling half hour before the clearance starts. Jasper will want to strike after Black and Tan has laid out all their dirty little documents, but just before they start shredding."

"So he'll hit at 2.30. Which means we must be there about that time as well. Maybe even earlier." I chewed the inside of my lip. "Kaylan, are you confident you can get your father's access badge by then?"

"He does overtime on Saturday - and doesn't check his work for the entire of Sunday. Holy day of rest and all that. I could get it to you by morning, if you want to. It's pretty easy to sneak into his study room - we did it together before, remember?"

William looked at Kaylan. "She's been to your house?"

Kaylan shrugged. "A couple of times, in fact. Once, she was even in my room. Though she didn't stayed long - dropped out the window, if I recalled correctly."

Damian snorted. "Oh yeah. That's Hayley's style, alright. Back at Blackcroft, she was always sneaking into places she wasn't meant to be and dropping out of windows to escape."

William looked at Damian. "She's been to your place too?"

"No, but I've been to hers," Damian replied cheerfully.

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