26. Lost In Las Vegas

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". . . just tell her . . . seriously, just say it - "

"Sssh, not so loud,  she might hear - "

"She's not focusing, she's been out of focus the whole day . . ."

If I had been paying attention, or as Leila put it, focusing, I would have heard the very interesting conversation that they were both having, which I only found out about much later. As it was, I was barely avoiding the people around me, simply because a much more interesting thought was busy circling and circling and circling around my head. It had been doing that the whole day long, breaking up my concentration. Half the time I wanted it to just get the heck out of my subcranium, and the other half of the time I wanted it ingrained there . . . because it made my lips twitched and my heart unburdened.

Something I hadn't felt for a very long time.

I think I'm starting to like you, for real, and this time it's by choice.

It didn't matter whether he meant it or not. It didn't matter whether it was yet another one of his elaborate lies. It didn't matter whether I believed or not. All that mattered was that it made me feel, that he made me feel, and that, in light of what I was doing, of what I had done, was just - unacceptable. 

I climbed out the window shortly after that.

It was an awkward silence after his confession, though he tried to make the atmosphere light. He left to use the bathroom and I looked around his room, taking in his movie posters and collection of games, namely this - 

 He left to use the bathroom and I looked around his room, taking in his movie posters and collection of games, namely this - 

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- and this - 

- and this - 

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A retro guy. 

I liked it.

It reminded me just how normal he was. It reminded me that he had a different life. Danger-free. Privileged. Happy. Safe.

He shouldn't be dragged into this. I couldn't drag him into this.

So I jumped out the window.

Well, climbed mostly. My headache decided to make a comeback and I fell the last few feet to the ground. 

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