This is not a chapter, but it would help you.

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I'm writing this fucking shit in english because is originally in english, but anyway, i'm going to put the translation under this. I just wanna feel cool writing in english.

Now, listen:

This goes out to anybody who has ever been put down or called crazy, to anybody who’s ever felt like people have a free pass to walk all over them, to anybody who’s ever been made to question themselves or their beliefs or their values. It goes out to anyone who’s ever felt like they’re opinion doesn’t matter, or like the way they think is the wrong way to think. This goes out to anybody who feels like the way they feel, is the wrong way to feel. It goes out to anybody who has ever been told that they’re alone, or who has ever felt alone. It goes out to anybody who feels like they can’t live their life the way they want to live it. This goes out to anyone who’s ever been the victim of someone else’s bullshit, or been held down, or been singles out. It’s for anybody who’s ever been afraid to stand up for themselves for who they are, or for who their friends are. It’s for anybody who has ever been made to doubt themselves, about anything in their lives, by anybody else. Do not let anybody convince you otherwise about who you are, okay? It’s something that happens all the time, and it’s fucked up. This goes out to anybody who has ever been put down, or made to feel like they need help, when all they really need is a hug. To anybody… anybody who just isn’t quite sure where they belong. And it goes out to all of you. Be who you are, no matter what. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise; you are who you are, and that is the most beautiful thing in the world. . There’s no room in the world for intolerance, people. It’s 2013- lets grow the fuck up. There are some bad fucking people man and we all go through it. But, I can tell you this, I can tell you that no matter what you are fucking beautiful. You really are. Don’t take other people’s shit. Believe what you want to believe, live how you want to live, and don’t put other people through the same bullshit, be nice.

Esto va para alguien que alguna vez ha sido llamado loco. Alguien que tuvo el sentimiento de que cualquiera podía pasar por encima de él, alguien a quién le hicieron preguntarse si su vida y creencias eran correctas. Alguien que sienta que su opinión no importa, que su forma de pensar y sentir son las formas incorrectas de pensar y de sentir. Alguien a quién le dijeron que está solo, o se sintió solo. Alguien que cree que no puede vivir su vida de la forma que quiere, alguien que haya sido víctima del bullying de otras personas, que derrumbaron. Alguien que sintió miedo de mostrar quién es. Alguien que tuvo y tiene dudas sobre quién es, sobre su vida, por culpa de alguien. No dejes que nadie te convezca de ser alguien que no eres. Es algo que pasa todo el tiempo y es jodido. Esto va para alguien a quién le dijeron que necesita ayuda pero solo quiere un abrazo. Para alguien... alguien que realmente no sepa de donde viene ni donde va. quién eres, no importa. No dejes que nadie te diga lo contrario; eres quién eres y eso es lo más bonito del mundo. No hay habitación para la intolerancia, estamos en dos mil trece, vamos a crecer de una puta vez. Hay gente asquerosa pero pasaremos eso. Solo te diré que eres único. O única. Y no importa nada, porque eres jodidamente hermoso/a. De verdad. No hagas caso a la mierda del resto. Vive como quieras vivir, cree en lo que quieras creer, y feliz.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2013 ⏰

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