
Before heading to open the door, I look over at my girlfriend Bailey and squeeze her hand.

I open it wide and am met with the site of Riley and her husband Brett.

"Where's Lilly and Levi?"

"With the babysitter." 

I nod and invite them into my apartment. Even though I'm pretty wealthy, I don't waste it on a luxurious house when I don't need that for one living alone.

Bailey reaches out and gives Riley a hug. I shake Brett's hand.

A year ago, I never would've imagined I'd ever see Riley again, much less be civil with her. And now, it's like we're best friends again.

Except this time there are no romantic feelings involved.

Our restoration all started last summer. After that magazine story about me and Riley was released, she asked to meet with me. Because I was already living in Los Angeles for my photography, we were able to sit down for coffee the next day.

I remember clearly the butterflies in my stomach and the shaking of my hands when I walked through that door and saw her sitting down at a booth in the right-hand corner.

She noticed me right away.

After the awkward meetings of people who were best friends for twelve years and then strangers for 7, we sat down. I wasn't planning on saying anything about her absence and rejection, but I was forced to when she brought it up herself.

She apologized for everything she had done. Leaving me in the dusk that one summer night after I declared my love for her. Not trying to contacting me after that. She told me that when we were kids, she did have feelings for me . . . big feelings. All the way up through high school and even when she left for California. But she didn't think I felt the same. And so she moved on. She met Brett. He proposed. And when I told her I loved her that night, she wanted to say it back, but the problem was that she loved Brett too. So to prevent her feelings for me from developing, she ceased our communication.

But now, as we're standing in the middle of my apartment's living room, I'm holding Bailey's hand and she's holding Brett's, I realize that I've moved on. Riley was my first love and even though I still love her, it's not in the same way. 

I squeeze Bailey's hand again.

This time, I get a squeeze back.

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The plan was to have this story be 50 or so chapters and I had the ending and everything all planned out, up until I wrote this chapter. And now the next chapter will be the last one. Forgive me.

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