Chapter 7

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I woke up in the middle of the night still on the tile. I got up and stretched my back. I yawned and passed over to my water dish. Empty. Whatever, I wasn't that hungry. I walked over to the steps and made my way up. Jake's mother was sleeping and Jake... Weeellll.... He was on his bright box with a controller in hand and a headset on his head. He was talking into the little thing and clicking the buttons and things. I whined and jumped on up his bed. Some how my head magically ended up on his lap. Totally not on purpose, I swear. Eventually Jake turned his bright box off and went under his covers. I thumped my tail and also went under them and cuddled with his feet.


I woke up at the crack of dawn, Jakes beeper box was beeping. I licked his face and jumped down and flew down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mother was in there cooking some delicious smelling food. Eggs, bacon, and sausage. I love sausage. Soon Jake came down the stairs, rubbed his reddish brown hair and stood next to his mom, talking about how it's supposed to rain. Pfft it won't rain. Stupid humans, it's sunny! I ate my food from my dish (it had a egg in it!) and went out my flappy door. I did my business and patrolled my fence. I noticed it got darker and it smelled like rain... Oh no. I ran to my door just as the rain poured down. I stared at Jake and his mom. How could they not warn me?!


Mom was drinking some tea and watching the big bright box in the living room. Jake was upstairs with his friends. I jumped on the couch next to mom and she rubbed my ears. I thumped my tail and licked her hand. I got up and padded into the kitchen, the door seemed different... It looked a bit crooked. I let out a quiet growl and looked. Nothing seemed too odd. I heard a creak outside and barked. I flew out my flap and into the back yard, the gate was open. I barked and went to look at it. A man was by it, he was in all black and smelled like liquor and other dogs, I didn't like him. I snarled and barked at him. He threw something hard, it hit my head and why world was engulfed in darkness.

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