Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

(Sasuke's Theme begins)

"I won't acknowledge him as part of Team 7!!" Naruto yelled as Sakura sighed while Sasuke just huffed and looked away.

Sai just smiled and nodded at the new guy.

"I'm sorry kiddos but Tsunade sama's orders. Besides, not accepting him is the same as not acknowledging yourself." Kakashi commented with a lazy shrug.

"What?! You're on his side too?!?" Naruto shouted as he narrowed his eyes at Menma who was now untied and giving him a triumphant grin.

"Whatever let's do this." Sasuke muttered as Menma smirked at the Uchiha.

"Stop acting super on and tough Uchiha. I wonder whether you're the same lame weak playboy you are like back in my world." Menma commented but no sooner had he finished his sentence Sasuke was suddenly in front of him, his chokuto already drawn out and pressing into his throat while another Sasuke was gripping him in an arm lock from behind.

"What... When did you do a bunshin and when did you get in front of me?!? You don't know the flying raijin technique!" Menma croaked out and Sasuke maintained his cold stare.

"I have the sharingan. Nothing escape my eyes. Speed is my ultimate weapon. I don't know and I don't care what the fuck your Tsukuyomi Sasuke is like but don't you dare insult and compare me to him..." Sasuke said calmly as Menma swallowed his saliva.

"For your information, Sasuke here was an S rank criminal but was pardoned because he was one of the world heroes." Sai chirped with a smile and Menma's eyes widened as he continued. "He even injured the Raikage enough to get the man to cut off his arm because if not he will be consumed by Amaterasu."

"The Raikage in my world is strong too but calm and collected whereas from what I've gathered in this world, the Raikage here sounds powerful too but I'm guessing he won't hold back his powers when he's in a battle..." Menma thought to himself.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Menma's mouth is very similar to Naruto." Kakashi chuckled as Naruto shot his sensei a dirty look and Sakura sighed before clearing her throat.

"Cool down Sasuke. If you kill him then we have a lot of explaining to do to Tsunade sama." she said and Sasuke hned before sheathing his sword and his bunshin disappeared.

"Don't worry Menma. I think we're getting along great." Sai gave a wide smile as Menma tsked and looked away.

"Hey guys!" Kiba's voice called out as Akamaru ran ahead of him with a bark.

"Hey!" Naruto yelled happily as he waved at Team 8. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys wanna visit Kurenai sensei and Mirai?"

"We did already and we decided to drop by Team 7's training field to see how Menma Namikaze is fitting in." Shino explained as he stopped before Team 7.

"Hinata!" Naruto grinned in happiness as he hugged his girlfriend. "I miss you!"

Hinata smiled as she hugged her boyfriend back.

"And once again, I'm being ignored." Shino muttered under his breath.

"So how's this guy doing?" Kiba asked as he screwed his nose, Akamaru sniffing Menma all over.

"If he doesn't run his mouth then he'll stay alive." Sai commented with a smile.

"Hey Hinata aren't you gonna give me a hug too?" Menma spoke up as everyone gasped and Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"What, the, hell, did, you, just, say..." Naruto said each word as he kept cracking his knuckles, turning around to face Menma.

"Naruto..." Hinata's soft voice spoke as she was about to touch his shoulder but Naruto stopped her with his words.

"Tsunade grandma already told him off for making suggestive remarks to you yet this bloke here just doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut!" Naruto growled as Menma took a fighting stance.

"I don't mind getting into another duel with you Uzumaki." Menma smirked as Naruto gritted his teeth.

"Alright kids break it up." Kakashi said firmly as Kiba and Sai pouted.

Sasuke and Shino continued looking with an emotionless face while Sakura and Hinata sighed in relief.

"I need to train Team 7 so if Team 8 don't mind, grab a popcorn, sit somewhere and watch." Kakashi commented in a happy tone as he made a peace sign.

(Sasuke's Theme ends)

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