Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

   By the time early Monday morning had come the contract has been signed and conditions had been reached. I was amazed that they had a lawyer on hand that quickly to write up a contract for something as simple as a babysitter and that they had it as quickly as they did, but sure enough it was there. The only thing I was questioning was moving in to their home, I knew it seemed more convenient for them to have me here so whenever they needed me I would be within arms reach, but it seemed a little difficult to take in all so suddenly. Alexandra and I came to the agreement that we could see how the first few weeks go with me living out of the home, then if it works we could continue with it. Some of my shifts would be late so she also offered me the guest room for the nights I wanted to stay. Everything was in fine print. I skimmed through most of it, only reading the important things and I did take not of the fact of something very specific in the fine print: The employee is unable to opt out of the contract until the year is up. However, said employers can cut the contract at anytime if a problem arises and they feel it is necessary to removed the employee from their residence.

   Mm. Interesting.

   I didn't have to worry about that. There wouldn't be any issues, I would take good care of Thomas and the home, mind my own business and after working hours I would go straight home. It shouldn't be too long before I could afford my own apartment. Alexandra said that on most days I should be done by 8pm. Some days she or Matthew would be late at the office, sometimes I would finish earlier but there wasn't a set schedule. All I knew for sure was that I had to be here and ready for him at 7:30am. If there was a day that times would change, they would simply let me know. It seemed simple enough.

   She made it clear various times that whenever Thomas was taking naps I was free to check out the house and use the pool or hot tub. I had full intentions on taking advantage of that while I was here. It wasn't every day I got to use a hot tub.

   I had already been given a quick tour of the house but it was very brief considering Alexandra was in a rush to get to work. I did manage to get an idea of where things were in the house until I completely got used to it though.

   "Matt is in his office if there's an emergency. Try not to interrupt him unless you really need to because he could be on a conference call," Alexandra stated as we walked towards the front door, "A list of Thomas' favorite foods are on the fridge, but no sweets. He has a pretty strict nap time and if he falls asleep on the couch, don't leave him there. Bring him to his crib." As she opened up the front door she stepped outside and continued to list out rules that needed to be followed, "Not too much television for him, okay? I don't want him to get into a habit. He only watches a lot of television if he's really sick."

   I nodded my head as she looked at me for confirmation, "Of course. I've got this, Alexandra."

   "If you need anything, my office number is on the fridge also. Leave a message with the secretary and I'll call you back when I'm available."

   I watched Alexandra walked towards her white car and slide into the driver's seat. Within a few short seconds she was driving off into the distance. I closed the front door, locking it behind me and leaning my back against it as I gazed around the room. It was only 8:00am so Thomas was till asleep. For some reason I had assumed that kids woke up early. I decided to take advantage of the time to get a head start on Thomas' breakfast. I wasn't a cook. I didn't ever cook things so I knew whatever I had to make this child would probably take twice as long considering I would probably have to read over the instructions multiple times.

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