Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

  It have been four weeks, an entire month since I've started working for the Reid's. I've picked up on on schedule pretty well, Thomas' daily routine became my routine. I knew exactly when he would be going for a nap and that he would only eat carrots if I didn't give them to him more than twice a week. His favorite color is blue, I know this because not only is his room painted blue but every day he says the same thing to me; "Aison, I wove bwue." Some days I would finish at 5 o'clock and other days at 8 o'clock, when I finished late Matt would drive me home to Amber's place. The pay for being Tommy's nanny was really great, they were definitely not ripping me off at all, by the end of the first month I had saved first and last month's rent for my own apartment which I had found not too far from the Reid's. It would only take me about 10-15 minutes to walk which was much closer than Amber's house had been this entire time. I moved in during the last weekend of the month and I was beyond thrilled. It was a proud moment for myself, the next step would be getting a car, but all I was focused on now was my new apartment that right now had barely any furniture considering most of my money was spent on the first and last month's rent.

   I sat on the couch with Tommy next to me, his tiny body leaning against me as his eyes focus on the Wiggles. Four grown men singing and dancing with a giant dinosaur named Dorothy. We were watching the original Wiggles, another fact about Tommy, he only liked the original Wiggles. Since he was so picky we were limited to the amount of episodes and had the same ones over and over again. At times I wanted to shoot myself, but then I seen the smile on his face while watching these guys make a fool of themselves and I felt slightly better. This kid knew how to pull at my heart strings.

My gaze moved down to Tommy who was sleeping against me and I smiled a little to myself. The easy thing was that he was a pretty deep sleeper so when I carried him to his I carried him to his room he rarely ever woke up. I carefully moved my arms underneath him, lifting him up and holding him against me as I stood from the couch. As expected, he didn't budge. Even as I walked up the entire length of the stairs which were rather long, he stayed against my chest sound asleep and continued to do so as I set him into his crib.

   Alexandra and Matt had mentioned that the time was coming to get Thomas a toddler bed, but being a mom and all Alexandra was nervous to let him have the ability to get out of bed whenever he wanted. She was nervous, understandably so. But it was only about time until he was able to get out of the crib on his own anyway. I read in some parental magazine that the first two or three years are the most crucial for a child's growth, both physically and mentally. Thomas was already really smart for his age, he would be climbing out of that crib in no time which just meant more problems for me.

   Today both Matt and Alexandra were working at their offices, so I was at the house with Thomas alone. I enjoyed the days we were here along because I felt like there wasn't nearly as much pressure when I wasn't worried about Matt popping around the corner and watching to see if I was watching his son correctly. Of course I would never be doing anything wrong, but still. Pressure. Whenever Thomas went to sleep though I always became extremely bored out of my mind but today I took it upon myself to decide that it would be a good time to try out the pool for the first time. I've been working here for an entire month and I hadn't even tried the pool. I didn't want them to think I was just here for the fun of it, plus I was much too caught up in Tommy to focus on my own leisure. By now I knew that Tommy was expected to nap for about two or two and a half hours which gave me plenty of time to go for a swim.

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