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No one wants to hear you
No one wants to see you
So desperate and pathetic
I'm begging you to spare me
The pleasure of your company
When did the diamonds leave your bones?I'm burning down every bridge we make
I'll watch you choke on the hearts you break
I'm bleeding out every word you said
Go to hell for heaven's sake

Then came a pounding on my door. Who the hell  is interrupting my screamo music session. Don't the words Go to Hell for Heaven's Sake tell you to stay away in this song. Damn people. 

I walk over to my door and at the same time yell. "You better have a damn good reason for interrupting me while I am listening to music!" 

I swung the door open and came face to face with the brown haired, hazel eyed god named Nathaniel, who stood there, just casually leaning on the door frame with a smirk on his gorgeous face. 

"Well. I knew I would find you here. Nice music choice. May I come in?" He raised an eyebrow and with a sigh I stepped aside and lead him into my room. I hurried to turn off the music and hide some of the picture frames that had pictures of me in the army, while he was looking at band posters. 

I made sure to take the ones around the house off too. Don't want him finding out on his own and then interrogating me about it. But it is only for two weeks and in no time they would be back on. My parents weren't too happy when they saw me taking them off but after I explained it to them they agreed. Only I have to put them back in their rightful place afterwards. 

I turned around from hiding my frames to see Nathaniel already spread out on my bed. 

"Are you here for the project, or to make a giant dent on my bed from all your weight?" I asked. 

"It is all muscle tiger. All muscle." He replied, sitting up. The nickname make my stomach flutter with butterflies. 


"You're feisty. Like a tiger." He winked. Feisty? Tiger? What? 

"Whatever. Lets just get started on this project." 

"So we have acetone, bleach, and hydrogen peroxide which is not really a chemical but it is still on the list that Mr.Brown gave us." I said looking at my laptop. I has been half an hour and we have only decided on these three things. 

"Alright. So what I got was that if we do mix acetone with bleach then we have to wear masks and do it outside because it produces chloroform. And that stuff can knock you out for quite some time." Nathaniel said as he looked at his phone. 

"Not bad. Let me just write that down." I began typing the information that Nathaniel has given me into a Microsoft Word document. 

"Also mixing acetone and hydrogen peroxide will give you acetone peroxide which is an explosive." Nathaniel read. "Damn. I didn't know chemistry could be this fun. This is giving me sooooo many prank ideas." He said with an evil glint in his eyes. 

"Yup. Make sure to invite me to participate in at least one of them. Especially if it involves explosives. I am pretty damn good at making and hiding them." I said, referring to the making of bombs and hiding of mines. What? It is the military. 

"Ookaay." Nathaniel nodded. HE sounded suspicious. 

"But anyways. Good work. I think it is time you head home now. It is getting pretty dark outside." I looked at the clock which read 7:57 and the sun was already setting outside. 

"What no 'do you want to stay for dinner'?" HE asked with a pout. 

"Nope. All because our family can never get together for dinner unless it is like a huge event where all of our family comes. And just the four of us. Not. A. Chance." 

"Damn." Nathaniel breath out. "Well. I guess see you tomorrow then." He said as he exited through the front door and got into his car, driving off. 

"Ooohhh. Little sister's got a cruuusshhh." My brother's annoying voice came from behind me. 

"Oh shut up Greg. And don't act like that girl from the biology class isn't cute. What is her name again? Ahh. Stephanie." Greg's cheeks turned a scarlet red in embarrassment. "Aww. My big brothers got a crush." I cooed and patted his flushed cheek before retreating up the stairs to my room. Ahh. What is more fun then making your older brother blush. Oh yeah. Making your eldest brother blush. I miss doing that. I have to make sure that I do plenty of that before he leaves back to go to college. Speaking of him, I should FaceTime him. 

I grab my phone and ring him. 



Three times...

Four times...

Five times ...

Nothing. Well. I guess he is busy. Maybe another time then. I go back to playing my music, blasting it through my Bluetooth speakers. Never Give In by Black Veil Brides started playing. This was the song I used to show to my fellow army men whenever things got tough. We would all feel better afterwards. 

Never give in
Never back down
Never give in!
We're soldiers, instinctive
We can bring change before we die
Through tails of the demons
To feel what lies beneath our eyes
Never give in
Never back down
Never give in
Never back down

These exact lyrics, is what would keep us going through our toughest times. And it still does. Maybe not at war. But it still does. 

The Nerd Is In the MilitaryWhere stories live. Discover now