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Dear Sirs and Madams, 

The pages of the diary that are next have been torn out. Maybe someone got to the diary before we did. Maybe this was the work of the man she was writing about. I have decided to continue studying the diary. If you wish to take me off of the Da Vinci case so be it, but, Sirs and Madams, I believe this diary is an important piece to unlocking the mysteries of the Da Vinci family and this goes straight into how he may have disappeared. We all know the famous tale, Leonardo Da Vinci was kidnapped and no one knew what happened to him. you all have been reading my letters which are a verbatim account of the things i have read in the diary. The girl was obviously frightened by the men that her father harbored, and as my findings have concluded her relationship with her father was rocky. She could be the one responsible of the Da Vinci disappearance. My findings have also concluded a possible relationship between Salai, Da Vinci's assistant, and Da Vinci himself that could be why the daughter despised him so much. Sadly I have not found her name. I do also hope in the further reading of the diary the man, Yusuf will write, or maybe one of the Gypsies. This find is one of the more remarkable on the expedition and I am looking forward to conclude my findings with you all. In my closing i do ask you give me a weeks notice if you do intend for me to be off the Da Vinci case. Finally, I will continue to hold the diary until i have concluded my study of it and it will not be taken from me, but if it to be stolen I humbly request that a copy of the diary be published as a book along with these E-mails to the Sirs and Madams possibly reading this.


Mary Annette Morgan.

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