Chapter 8- Jub Jub?

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Chapter 8-"Jub jub?"

When the others arrive after school, Kyle says, "guys I am kind of busy this evening, so I wouldn't be hanging out."

Justin smirks and says, "sure buddy, just remember to use protection."

Kyle frowns.

Jordan adds, "I am out too, I am carrying Stephanie to the movies."

Jacob laughs, "just make sure to keep your bedroom door close and don't be on the couch when I get home."

Everyone laughs at Jordan's embarrassment.

When I pull up in front of Justin's house, a woman is standing at the front door. She has curly brown hair like Justin, I walk with the boys toward her.

She has gray eyes, so Justin probably has both of his parent's eyes.

She greets, "you must be the famous Anastasia Montez, your father and my husband were in a meeting together just the other day."

I say, "it's nice to meet you-", she cuts me off, and says, "call me Jessica, nice to meet you too, come in you guys I make your favorites cookies."

Carlos says, "that's why I love you, Jessica you know us too well".

She chuckles, "I love you too Car and Lucky and Jacob and my handsome Justin" she coos and pinch Justin's cheek.

He frowns, "mom I am eighteen stop babying me."

she smiles and says, "you'll always be my baby boy, jub jub."

I laugh, "jub jub?"

Justin frowns and grumbles under his breath.

Jessica says," he was fat when he was smaller and always stole the jub jub from the cupboard, so I end up nicknamed him that, Anastasia do you want to see some pictures of Justin when he was younger?"

I love this mother, I am about to answer when someone blocks my mouth, it is Justin.

He says, "maybe another time mom, can we get those cookies now?"

She smiles, "so demanding."

We walk into the kitchen and my mouth hangs open, those chocolate chip cookies are huge.

Carlos licks lips and rubs his hands together, he's about to grab one when Jessica hits his hand with a spatula.

She says, "no, ladies first, Anastasia dear take how many you want."

I smile at that, I take five then Jessica takes six.

It had twelve more remaining and four boys.

Justin grabs four and runs out the kitchen, Luke grabs three, and Jacob, Carlos only had two, he runs behind Justin shouting, "hi you have my own give it back!"

I laugh and shake my head.

Jessica says, "those two were best friends since elementary school then the twins, then Kyle and he met Luke in 8th grade."

I say, "all of them are something else, I am growing fond of them."

She smiles, "that always happens after you hang around them a lot and they like you a lot I can tell, especially Justin, after that bitch Stephanie cheated on him, he wasn't himself then he met you and he's back to normal with only one hangover."

I walk in the back after I finish eating my cookies, the boys are sitting on the chairs listening to music or texting their phones.

I sit down next to Justin who is texting on his phone quickly, he says, "my mom likes to a lot, she didn't like Stephanie when I first started to date her."

I just nod and take out my phone to play a game, I got a text from dad.

Dad: Chelsea is coming over for dinner with Luke tonight, I'll be coming home a little late, so be nice.

Me: She's going back home after, right?

Dad: Yeah if she wants and Saturday you'll be going to visit your mother in the prison


Me: Dad there is no way I am going to see that woman, she's no mother to me, she just give birth to me, that's it

Dad: You are going whether you like it or not

Me: Fine, but you are coming with me

Dad: Sorry, but I have to work

Is this guy serious????

I didn't text him back, what am I going to do? I don't want to go there by myself.

Justin frowns, "you look stress out."

I sig, "I am because my dad wants me to visit my mother on Saturday, I'll be going by myself because he'll be busy working."

Justin offers, "I can come with you if you like."

I smile.

Luke says, "Hi Ana, I'll see you at your house at 7:30."

I groan.

I say, "please don't remind me and I can't cook to save my life, how am I suppose to cook for your aunt?"

He replies, "well I am coming over to help you of course."

Jacob asks, "Anne your father is dating Chelsea?"

I nod, he chuckles, "good luck cause she's only dating guys for their money, Luke knows what am talking about, and don't let her use your father please."

I admit, "I don't really like stepmothers or even want one, so she'll be gone by November."

Carlos asks, "when is your birthday Ana?"

I answer, "October 18th, that's my golden birthday because I'll be turning eighteen."

Luke smiles, "my own is October 1st, I'll be eighteen also".

I sigh, "I want a party for my birthday, but my dad is always busy so I doubt I'll be getting any."

Justin smiles and texts on his phone, Luke smirks and looks at his phone.

I wonder what they are talking about? Although it doesn't concern me.

I went back inside and see Jessica talking on the phone while cooking. I open the fridge and take out a soda, then make a sandwich.

I get a text from a strange number.

Unknown: Hi A, want to go on a date with me?

I frown.

Me: Who's this and why do you have my number?

Unknown: My name is Daniel I'm in your chemistry class and someone put your number in my locker

Me: This is a big misunderstanding, I don't even know you so delete my number, I am not going on a date with you or any other guy

Unknown: You'll change your mind soon, that's a promise, and I'll delete your number just for today

I wonder who put my number in his locker? Daniel is on the track team, has chestnut hair and green eyes, he's one of the quietest and brightest on the team.

How do I know this? Because he was my lab partner in sophomore year.


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