Chapter 18- I Don't Trust Him At All

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The Next day




My alarm rings and I groan, it's 7:00 am, only a half-hour to get ready. Trina came back around after 10 pm, last night a guy drop her off, she was drunk as hell.

I go into the bathroom and get freshen up, then I open my closet to try and find clothes.

Hmm, what to put on?

Then my phone vibrates on the dressing table, it's a message from Justin,

Jerk: Me, you, and Jordan will be riding our motorcycle while the others get the car

Me: Cool, see you in ten minutes

I take out my leather jeans, black crop top, leather jacket, and my black heel boots. I put it on, then some mascara with smokey eyes, and my hair in a high bun, and some lip gloss.

I check myself out in the mirror I look smoking hot, I'll leave Trina speechless.

I check the time 7:25 am, only at least seven minutes to eat breakfast.

I get my bag and phone, then leave my bedroom.

Trina has classes around ten, so she probably not getting up now, but to my surprise, she is in the kitchen eating toast.

She watches me and her mouth hangs open, I smirk.

She stutters, "A- Anne?"

I smirk, "the one and only."

She asks, "since when do you dress like that?"

I say sarcastically," since George Washington became president of the United States".

She frowns, "seriously though."

I reply, "since last week I change for the better, now I have to eat something before the guys get here."

She runs out the kitchen and up the stairs, probably to brush her hair to impress the guys.

I drink a glass of milk and grab a pop tart then went into the garbage and get my motorcycle and my helmet.

Trina is by the front door, wearing a short mini skirt and a sleeveless top, Jordan would like that.

I hear two motorcycles coming, I see Justin and Jordan pull up by the sidewalk and Kyle's car after.

They all get out and Trina's mouth hangs open, so she didn't believe I would be friends with the six bad boys, even she couldn't date them last year.

Jordan says, "Hi Anne, let's go, I don't want to be late."

Kyle rolls his eyes and asks, "since when do you care about school?"

Jordan answers sarcastically," since the day your grandmother was born."

I chuckle.

Trina walks towards us, she says, "Anne, I didn't know that you are friends with the bad boys-"

I cut her off, "that you couldn't get, get used to it."

Justin smirks.

She frowns.

Jordan flirts, "and who's this sexy? You look familiar."

Jacob whispers something in his ears, then he frowns.

He says, "let me rephrase that, who's this slut? You look familiar."

I laugh.

She scoffs and goes back inside, I high-five Jordan and say, "good one, now let's go guys, we'll be late."

I get on my motorcycle and put on my helmet, the two boys did the same.

I say, "first one there wins."

We all get into the road and Kyle takes out a rag, he says, "on your mark."

I start my engine.


I put my foot up.


I speed off, Justin catches up to me then passes me then Jordan, but I am not going to lose.

I speed up and pass Jordan, I smile as I catch up to Justin. I am in line with him, he watches me and speeds off again.

I am loving this race, we should do this every day.

Five minutes later

I can see the school up ahead and Jordan passed me twice, but I passed him back. Right now, I am in line with Justin then I see the parking lot with students fifty meters away.

I speed off leaving Justin in the dust when I pull up in the parking lot, all the attention is on me. I take off my helmet and people gasp, then Justin comes in follow by Jordan then the car.

The jocks are taking out pictures of me.

Justin says, "good race, you're really good at racing."

I smile and shrug.

Jacob says to Kyle, "you owe me twenty bucks."

Luke says to Kyle," and you owe me fifty."

Kyle frowns, "no I won the bet, Luke, I bet that Justin wouldn't come first."

"Liar, you bet he would come first, now pay up", Luke stretched out his hand.

Kyle sighs and takes out his wallet and hands Luke fifty bucks, Kyle gives Jacob his twenty bucks.

Jordan protests, "so no one bet on me?"

Carlos smirks, "yeah me, that you'll come last, but no one bet with me, they knew you would anyway, why bothered?"

All the boys laugh, then we walk inside to our lockers.

I see Brandon by my locker with a bouquet of roses and some of the cheerleaders drooling over him.

He smiles when he sees me.

Justin whispers, "I don't trust him at all."

I say," he's your brother."

He growls,"half, I'll see you in class."

I walk to Brandon, he hugs me and says, "morning Ana, you look hot", I blush.

Stephanie who s next to us rolls her eyes.

Today she has on a high waist skirt, heels, and a black strapless top.

She says, "oh look the nerd finally got a boyfriend, it's actually about time", her friends laugh.

I growl, "shut the f*** up, slut", she is in shock at my words.

I open my locker and Brandon gets my books for me.

Stephanie says, "it's too bad that your relationship wouldn't last, just look at you, I can't understand why the bad boys are even friends with you."

I snap, "because opposites attract and prefer normal girls than sluts like you."

Everyone around us gasps, it's so silent that I can hear a pin drop.

Stephanie says, "I am not a slut."

I laugh and say sarcastically, "you definitely not Selena Gomez neither."

She says, "well, you're a nobody."

I laugh, "come on that insult was so last season, go find a new one at least I am a nobody, while you're a slut, who dresses and acts like one and opens her legs for every guy she comes in contact with", I tell her off.

The bell rings and I grab Brandon's hand and walk down the corridor, everyone parted like the red sea for us. I feel so good standing up to Stephanie, I have to tell the boys this.


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