Chapter 56- I Have Learnt My Lesson

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After school Arlene had practice, so I leave with the boys.

Greg waits by the exit for me.

I say, "your friends are something else, Austin reminds me of Jordan and Ian is totally the opposite of them both combine", he chuckles and Jordan glares at me.

I got on my motorbike, "Justin, I am coming over to your house for my first lesson."

He nods.

I text Carlos.

Me: I wouldn't last an hour with him

Carlos smirks and watches me, he replies.

Prankster boy: Don't worry, I'll be coming as well to watch you and make sure you don't hurt yourself, also to take out pictures and use them as blackmail

Me: You wouldn't

Prankster boy: Don't underestimate the master of blackmail and pranks

Me: That's one mistake I am not making, I see how you work

Prankster boy: Good see you later, I'll have a first aid kit ready for you

Carlos says to Justin, "Hi Justin, let's go, bye guys", getting into his vehicle.

I speed out of the school's parking lot and straight home.

When I reach home I eat, change into sweatpants and a shirt with sneakers, I got my stake board and helmet with the gears to protect my elbows and knees.

Dad isn't home and so isn't Stacy.

I say to Freddie, "I'll be back later, you don't have to cook dinner tonight I might eat at a fast food place", he nods turning back his phone.

I drive to Justin's house in my red BMW, with my skateboard in the seat next to me.

I arrive and I see Jessica leaving the house.

She sees me and smiles, I get out and walk to her then she hugs me.

She greets, "Hi Anne, I was just going out, stay for dinner will you?" I


Justin, Jordan, Jacob, and Carlos come out after, what are they all doing here?

I ask, "what you're doing here Jor?"

He smirks, "I don't want to miss once in a lifetime opportunity, a nerd learning to skateboard I'll make millions on the Internet."

He just want to make money off my humiliation, such a great friend. Note the sarcasm.

Justin informs me, "we're going down to a skating rank a few blocks away, you can leave your vehicle here, we'll be walking."


I try to get on the stake board for the fourth time, but it rolls again making me fall.

The boys crack up with laughter again, Carlos says, "this picture came out way better than before", showing the boys his phone.

Jacob doubles up with more laughter, I roll my eyes.

I say, "when you're finished laughing at my failure, please help me, Justin you're not a very good teacher."

Justin says, "yeah at video games, I never said at skateboarding."

What?! That bastard bought me here to just humiliate myself?

I snap, "so all this time, you just wanted me to humiliate myself?"

He shrugs as if it isn't a big deal.

He says, "yeah, that's the point", laughing at me.

I got so angry that I picked up my skateboard and leave, my so-called 'friend' calling behind me.

I bump into someone and fall, when I look up it is Austin, who is smirking at me.

He says, "hi nerd, what you're doing here?"

I shrug getting up from the ground and pick up my skateboard.

He offers, "I can teach you if you like because your 'friends' aren't doing a good job."

You can say that again.

I say, "sure let's go", grabbing his hand ignoring my friends.

Austin smirks, "I know you'll come around nerd, no girl can resist some of this", gesturing to himself.

I roll my eyes and say, "right, keep believing that buddy."

I get on my board and Austin steady me on it. I grip onto his T-shirt tightly, he chuckles and promises, "calm down nerd, I am not going to let you fall", I nod.

Twenty minutes later

I am getting a hang of it, I think. I am still holding on to Austin, but not that tightly only to get balance. Justin and the others are bored because they couldn't humiliate me anymore.

Austin says, "you're getting a hang of it nerd."

I smile.

Then he says, "ready?"

Wait ready for what exactly?

He pulls away from me and I'm skating out of control as I see a little hill going downwards up ahead, I scream.

I am now going faster and don't know how to stop, then I see a pole and crash.

Everything goes black.


"Do you think she's awake?" Says one voice.

"Shhh don't make her headache worst", I recognize it is Luke's voice.

I groan because my head hurts, someone says, "it lives", that's Jacob.

I open my eyes and see six pairs of eyes staring at me.

I say, "how long was I out for?"

Arlene says, "a few hours, but you're alright the swelling on your head is going down, that was one hard crash against the pole."

I feel an ice pack on my forehead, I try to get up, but Justin shakes his head.

He says, "rest, I'll drop you after, mom will bring you dinner and you are never skating again."

I roll my eyes, but I have learned my lesson. Never take skating lessons from a boy who flirts with you.

I take my rest by playing on my phone.

Jessica comes in with a plate of food she says, "that is one nasty bump on your forehead", trust me it is.


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