Chapter 15- I Disown You

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The next day, I got up at 9:00 am, shot I only have one hour to get ready. I take my duffel bag and open the door, look around to see no one there, and open the bathroom door.

I came face to face with a half-naked Brandon, he s brushing his teeth. I scream a little and shut the door, I have to find a different bathroom and quickly.

I walk two doors up and open it, it's empty I step in and lock the door behind me. I brush my teeth and bathe, then put on my clothes and my hair in a ponytail.

I open the door and walk to Brandon's bedroom, I knock.

He says, "come in", I open the door and pop my head in.

I say, "I'm leaving, I have to visit my mom at 10.00, I'll see you later."

I close the door and walk down the stairs, I hear talking coming from the back, so I quickly open the front door and leave. I walk down the sidewalk to the bus stop, then I call Jessica to pick me up at Wendy's. I get on the bus and show the driver my bus route pass, which my dad got for me.

When I walk into Wendy's and I got in line; I order pancakes and some chocolate tea, I sit down.

Luke text me.

Lukey: The boys are now starting to get over their hangovers, so we'll be cleaning up soon

Me: Thanks, I'll be home around 2:30, because I have to get ready for my date

Lukey: Cool, see you later and be careful

Me: I will

I watch the time 10:00 am then I see someone like Jessica now enter. I wave at her and she walks over, she says, "time is everything, let's go, you can finish it in the car."

I got up and take my breakfast with me, I got in the back seat.

Ten minutes later

We pull up in front of the woman's prison. The security scan us and let us in, then we had to sit down and wait till our number is called.

The announcer says, "number fifteen."

I get up with Jessica and walk to the desk the officers say, "name and state who you are here to see."

I reply, "Anastasia Montez, I am here to see Gloria Montez", the officer writes it down.

Jessica says, "Jessica James, here to see Gloria Montez as well".

The officer opens the gate and lets us through with two officers in front of us, we walk into the same place I came here last time.

I see my mom comes out, she looks older, darker and her hair is messy.

She tries to smile at me, but it only stays for a second, we sit down by a table, the officer says, "five minutes."

I nod.

My mom grabs my hand and terrifyingly says, "I will get out of here Anne and when I do, we can be reunited again."

I say, "yes mom we all know, anyway, Dad's doing fine and I made new friends."

She smiles and turns to Jessica.

"Hi Gloria, it's been so long", Jessica says.

My mom nods, "yes Jessie, it is, but how did you know who my daughter was?"

She responds, "because my son, Justin, is her new friend at school."

My mom turns to me, "so all Justin's friends are yours also?"

I nod, "yep even Jordan".

Jessica chuckles.

"Visit me before the new year's okay Anne, promise me that", she pleads.

I sigh, "I will visit you for your birthday."

she protests," but that's 23rd of February Anne."

I say, "take it or leave it", she sighs.

She says, "if my own daughter wouldn't visit me, then you're no daughter of mines, I disown you", tears start to fall out of my eyes.

I scream, "fine then I am not coming back ever again!"

I run out of the room. I sign out and run out of the prison, I don't know where am going, but I run down the block.

I ended up walking home, when I reach inside the guys are all cleaning up.

Luke says, "wow you're back early", I shrug.

I order pizza, then head to the theater room to watch a movie. Jordan comes in and asks, "do you have any money for us to order a box of pizza?"

I sigh and pull out a twenty bill from my pocket, he says, "I owe you one, thanks."

After he leaves, my dad calls me, I answer.

"Hi, dad."

"Hi, Ana did you visit your mother?"

"Yes, but I am not ever going there again, bye dad."

Then I hang up the phone, tears start to roll down my cheeks. I wipe my eyes and watch the movie that is about to start.

Carlos comes in, he asks, "you look unhappy, what's the matter?"

I sob, "my mother", then explain what happened in the prison.

He hugs me and says, "it's going to be alright and I don't want you to be sad, you got a date with Brandon later."

I smile.

I like Brandon and he likes me, I just hope he doesn't hurt me.

Carlos says, "the day I hear Brandon hurts you, is the day he'll be put in the hospital for a week."

I laugh and shake my head.

I smile," when this movie finish I am coming up to see my house, make sure it's clean and shining".

Carlos stands up and says, "yes ma'am", then leaves to go back upstairs.

I text Brandon.

Me: Hi brandy what are you doing?

Brandy: None just playing some video games, how did your meeting go?

Me: Bad my mom said she disowns me, can you believe it? Just because I don't want to visit her before new years

Brandy: If my mother ever did that, I wouldn't have made her see me in my prom clothes or graduation gown, are you still up for the date?

Me: Yes, but can we go to an ice cream shop instead

Brandy: No problem and then head to a pizza place

Me: Cool, see you at 6

Brandy: Yeah, see ya

He's such a great guy, any girl can get him, but he chose me!! I am so glad is he isn't a player and never dated Stephanie, not that I know of.

I can see we will have an incredible friendship that will get stronger.


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