Part 16 (a)

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Ruthless Obsession

Through out the drive Nivaan sinha couldn't ignore the girl beside him who was soo lost in counting the bill for about several times.

He finally halted his car infront of her house.., which looked very old and couldn't possibly think of  some one would actually live in such a place..


The moment he stopped the car engine.., lathika took off her seat belt and was about to step down from the car vthout making any delay..

Nivaan didn't lyked  it...., which is clearly visible by his expressions...
His eyebrows frowned..., and in a sudden urge he pulled up his sleeves..


" Don't  u dare spoil these shoes.., lyk the ones u did before....!! "
....Said Nivaan to get Lathikas attention towards him.

Hearing this sudden threat..., lathika  jolted a little and turned towards Nivaan.

" yes.. sir.. i will be attentive from now on.."
.....she said lowering her eyes and was about to  opn the car door but was again stopped  as she heard Nivaans voice  calling her out..

" yess.. sir.. what happened...?!! "
.....she asked..

Nivaan  then took off his seat belt and turned towards her....

He kept on staring at her for few seconds and finally said...,

" Lathika...!!  Let's date...!! "


The moment stopped for both of them...... They were just looking at each other vthout blinking for a while and there was this silence filled around there which is   such deep that they can hear their own heart beat..

But before the moment would take on its control.., the sudden ring of lathikas phone distracted them.

The sound seemed  soo loud in that silence that  before lathika could pick it up.., it fell dowm frm her hands and landed on her lap during which the speaker mode was accidentally activated..


Before she could understand what had happened Jayanths voice started to  fill the silence inside the car vch is cmng from the mobile.

"Helloo... Lathika... where are you...!!??  R u ok....??! "
.....said jayanth vth genuine concern in his tone.

Before lathika could pick it up .., Nivaan held her hand and gestured her to  talk lyk that in keeping the mobile in speaker mode.

Lathika couldn't understand what's happening around her....

Both Nivaan and lathika kept on staring at each other and then lathika said...,

" yess..sir.. I'm alright.... i... I had just now reached home.."
.....she said  vth her eyes fixed on Nivaan.

" ohh...lathika..!! Dnt lie...  I'm infront of ur home vth locked door....!! Soo  just tell me where you are...!! "
.....said Jayanth..., and tried to look around the place to find Lathika Menon.


Nivaan then saw Jayanth who stood before the door and  for jayanth.., it's nt possible to find Nivaans car as it is parked behind a bush..

Lathika too saw him near her door and shez literally sweating  for a reason which she  is also unaware about.....


She then cut the call and picked her stuff  and tried to opon the door again...

This tym she felt the doors were automatically locked from inside and  she heard Nivaan speak again..


" see...!! Lathika..., i donno what's ur view abt dating...
But for me... Its just a trail to know about someone... 
N i wanna know about you... n this doesn't mean that i have started feeling for you...
It's just that i have found you different in some ways..
       N  yes... i really liked the thought of you behind gifting me   this thing..."
........said Nivaan  in his usual charm and took that ball in his hands again  parting his lips a little to form a smile and then looked at her..


" you may go.., Lathika... The doors are opn now..."
.....he said  placing his one hand on the steering wheel and other hand on the gear.

Lathika couldn't take her eyes off him...
Nt after she heard those lines which she  used to read only in novels...


Nivaan didn't said her anything... He gave  her time to admire him as much as possible...

After few minutes lathika came to her senses and  realised how she had been staring at Nivaan sinha.., her boss...


She stepped down quickly and started to walk towards her house.


" Miss. Menon...!! You forgot this in the car..."
.....lathika heard Nivaans voice from behind and turned around all of a sudden to see him standing infront of her  holding  the bill in his hands...

" yeaa..  the bill.. i forgot... "
....she said and extented her hand to take the bill..

But before that Nivaan quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her towards himself   and hugged her..., making sure that a pair of eyes is watching them..

He then holded her securedly   and said...,

" Stay away from this Jayanth....!!"

..........Nivaan said vth his eyes focussed on the person who stood at a visible distance from them...

He then broke the hug and  kept his shades on again..., and then left the place  in his car  driving  in the third gear.


This one is a bit small... but the next part vl me tomorrow evng... :)   


Next part precap

" Nivaan...!!  Are you fine....??! I'm soo worried abt you son...!! Howz the climate there...?? "
........prataap sinha was sounding restless on the  call  and his breathing seemed uneven.

" wait.... wait....  !!  Grandpa  just cool down.. and tell me what happened all of a sudden...!! Its around 10.30 pm here... "
......he asked sipping his coffee from his mug and checed the time in his watch..

" son... i just saw the news about the earth quake  there in Himachal.... it's scrolling here in BBC..... !!  Are you...!! Are you safe there..??!"
.....his grandpa voice seemed trembling now.

" ohh come on grandpa... i live in such a place and a heavenly bungalow  that i hardly heard the news till now...!!"
.......said Nivaan and  calmed his Grandpa...

That's when something got struck in Nivaan's mind and he said..,
" grandpa... i will catch you later... u pls take care..."
....... he cut the call and rushed out of his bungalow  wearing his blazer as lathika's image flashed infront of his eyes...


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