The Revelation

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Hii readers...!!  Few readers messaged me to post this part a little early

So here goes the much much awaited part... ;)

         .............The Revelation...........

Part 48

Ruthless Obsession

Time 11.30 pm.
Nivaan's Bungalow.

"Prataap...!! I think she needs help...
She must be crying now.., thinking of Nivaan..
Oh god...!! I shouldn't have said that to her at this hour...!!"
.........Raghu felt sad and  sat on the couch again  dialing lathika's no. for the 7th tym from past half n hour and  he heard the switch off tone again just lyk the 6 tymes he had tried before.

" I think Nivaan must have crossed the country by now...!!
.....we must now settle lathika's future in a way.., that makes her start her lyf again..., forgetting Nivaan...
I hope..., she gets that happy lyf.., which she deserves  by fading off all these memories...!!"
........Prataap stared blankly on the wall  and  touched the file in his lap.

He then took it in his hands and opened it.., which had all the details and information about lathika..., that he had asked for from a  detective source.., during his visit to India...

Prataap flipped all the pages in the file again  and  then lit the file vth his lighter..

"I dnt think.., this is of any use from now..!!"
......said Prataap  holding the burning file in his hands.

Looking at the burning file.., Raghu thought of something and went to his room  besides the kitchen and then came back vth an envelope in his hands.

" Prataap..!! Lit them too..."
......he said and took out the photographs from the envelope..., which  helped them in knowing abt lathika Menon...

The photographs of Nivaan and lathika's first intimate moments...,which are about to turn into ash...!!

Prataap looked at them for once and lit them along vth the file and the placed them in the fire place....., watching them turning into ash...

But little did they noticed that there was this one photograph remained untouched at he edge of the fire place and which had the power to turn out things upside down in their lives..

They both sat there for a while hoping good about Nivaan's future and Raghu had called sheetal in the mean while..., to make sure that she is fine and doing well there..
And then went to Prataap's room on the upstairs as he felt uneasy abt the consequences and wanted Raghu to sleep in his room along vth him..
But instead they ended up in his room.., sitting and talking abt how things had changed all of a sudden..


Time 11.45

Nivaan finally reached his bungalow after 1 hour and  went inside  after paying the fare vthout having any clue abt his next step and  what he would answer his grandpa's queries..

The watchman .., who was just leaving to the outhouse.., in order to take rest..., stood up from his chair.., seeing Nivaan coming inside the bungalow and looked at him all shocked as he had already  joined things and understood what had happened between his Nivaan and lathika and he also knew that Nivaan was leaving India forever that nite..

Nivaan didnt cared abt his surroundings and just went inside and sat on the couch infront of the fireplace..., as he didn't had any strength to face his grandpa.., upstairs..

He just rested his head on his palms  and thought of that dream again...

"No...!! I'll nt to let her play vth my feelings again...!!
Bt i really need some time to get over from all tgis...
I have to talk to grandpa.., about this...! I'm nt a coward to run away from the situations...!!
Yess...!!   I can deal vth my issues...!!"
............Nivaan thought to himself and stood up from the coych placing the suitcase  aside..

Ruthless Obsession                                                  (Completed)√Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz