Part 31

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Ruthless Obsession

The night sky in Himachal is  very clear  as if it had ntng to hide from the earth below....

The fog around there is acting as a medium of communication between the earth and the sky...

Such clear night sky is  seldom seen at this hour unlike those dense foggy nights which were frequent in Himachal...


Lathika was still trying to figure out what was going on Nivaan's mind bt  his eyes are conveying a lot more than what she wants to hear from him...

Nivaan  just blinked for once and  remembered all those moments of the past from the day he met her....

   "....She was beautiful.., but nt like those girls in the magazines or the girls he had dated before...

   ......She was beautiful for the way she thought..,  those sparkling eyes of her define her heart...

...... She was beautiful for her ability to make others happy even if she was sad...

...... she was nt beautiful for something as temporary as her looks...

Bt deep down to her soul she is the prettiest woman i had ever seen in my life... "

........Nivaan thought of her and blinked once again making sure to imprint her every detail in his eyes forever...

He then  extended his hand towards her and holded her hand filling the
gaps between her fingers vth his fingers and  stepped close to her...

It was a perfect hold.., as if the spaces between their fingers are meant to be for each other...


"Do u mean what you just said...??!!
Bcz I'm nt easy to deal vth...!!
N i will always remain as a challenge for you no matter how hard you try to know me...!!

You can't always take me for granted lathika...!!
And there won't be a name for this relation...!!
I'm obsessed vth you.., and i mean it...!!

Bt Obsession is much more powerful than the feeling of love...
(Nivaan then pulled her even more close to him vthout any warning...,
to which lathika landed straight in his hefty arms which held her securedly...

Nivaan intentionally leaned forward and inhaled her scent around her hair making her conscious of his presence..)
You can't even guess what's going on in my mind seeing you inches close to me...!!
......he whispered...
You are too naive to understand my ways lathika...!!
      You just can't withstand my wildness...
My mood swings are terrible at times and i behave like a beast sometymes...!!
Living vth me is nt going to be a cake walk anymore...!! 
      I'm unpredictable lathika....!!
You can't love a beast like me...!!  You will regret this moment later....!!"

.........Nivaan warned her and smiled at her for her brave confession..., and started to leave the place...

Bt this tym..., it was lathika who stopped him in the mid way by holding his hand...

Nivaan was surprised by her sudden gesture and turned around raising his eyebrows...

Lathika cleared her throat for once and said..,

" Yess... I'm naive...!!

Bcz i  have nt found someone like you to make me know my worth till now...

I dnt care what people name this relation...!! Bt i want to be happy...!!

With you...!!

In your presence..!!

Ruthless Obsession                                                  (Completed)√Where stories live. Discover now