The Bollywood Star

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One of the perks of matchmaking was that I met fascinating characters every day. When I had the chance to interview a Bollywood star — he was an actor, television host, and philanthropist — I was intrigued. Our conversation was, unsurprisingly, fabulous. He was charming and extroverted, told hilarious stories, and fit many of my client's preferences.

As he spoke, I went through the photographs on his Facebook profile and noticed that, in every single picture, he was flanked by young, hot girls. Not women. Bright-eyed young things with the kind of abs only seen in Hollywood-depicted sorority houses.

He was in his early 40s.

I politely waited for him to finish listing the international charity projects he was involved in before asking what age range he preferred to date. "You know, there are some very mature 18-year-olds."

I just couldn't help but stare at the ones in his photos. They looked young enough to be his daughters. Pass!

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