The Sleazy Cheater

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One of my clients was a willowy woman in her early 50s who wore glittering diamonds head-to-toe. She was beautiful, easy to talk to, and owned a successful company; she was a total catch. But, when we met for our initial consultation at a bar, she fidgeted with the straw in her frozen margarita and quietly asked, "Do you really think there are any men who want a woman my age?" Then, she told me her story.

After 25 years of marriage, her husband left her for a girl half her age (barely older than their own daughter). She was devastated. She said she didn't even know any single men in their 50s, much less any men who would be interested in an age-appropriate woman. Her confidence was shot.

All summer, I set her up with men who swore up and down to me that they hadn't slept with a 20-year-old since they were in their 20s themselves. She met men for drinks, museum dates, and romantic walks through Central Park. For a woman who hadn't been on a date since Pretty in Pink was in theaters, that was no easy task. I'm proud of her.

But, as for her cheating, slimy ex-husband? He wasn't a client, thankfully, but I'll never forget him. Why bother setting someone like that up in the first place, I found myself wondering, if they're only going to end up cheating decades from now?

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