Chapter 29-- Food Fight

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There was something touching my head.

I mean, generally, when I wake up, there would be something under my head, like a pillow or the mattress--my arm, even.

But I was sitting up. My arms were at my sides and considering how not soft the thing was, it wasn't a pillow.

I snapped my eyes open and slowly looked to the side. I was met with a mix of yellow, crimson, white, and silver.

As my eyes focused, the yellow became straw-colored hair. The crimson turned from a random blob to a recognizable random blob with pupils. White stretched and rounded into a neck and face, and silver turned into--

A mask.

My eyes widened in realization. "Whoa!" I shouted. I scrambled back to get as much distance between me and the person as I could. Somehow, I caught the side of the couch wrong and flipped off the edge and onto the floor. I stood quickly, staring straight ahead.

Kvir did the same.

My mind raced back to the night before. He had told me about his past--his family. What happened to him. After he had finished, we just sat and stared out the window.

Until, apparently, we fell asleep.

I watched him squirm from across the room. My eyes fell on a darker spot on his shoulder where my head had been.

I was suddenly very aware of the wet that went from my mouth to my chin.

Oh, please don't tell me I drooled.

Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice. He waved his hand in the air. "Uh--sorry," he stuttered.

I shook my head quickly. "Sorry about what?"

Curse my voice for being two octaves higher than it should have been.

"Me staying didn't bother you?"

"No! No, it didn't--I--well--I mean, don't do it again."

He looked away.

"Well, not that I didn't mind it," I began, trying to fix what I said. "Sleeping with you--NEXT to you." Heat rose to my face. "Next to you."

"Ah! Yeah. I know what you mean. I didn't mind it either." Kvir shuffled his feet against the floor.

We were quiet. There was enough awkward silence in the room to give to the entire kingdom.

Suddenly, I was very aware of the nightgown I was wearing. I pointed to the dresser in the corner. "I'm going to get dressed now." Before I bury myself more.

He nodded quickly. "Yeah, okay."

I stood still, waiting for him to go.

He didn't move.

I raised my eyebrows and waved my hands. "Leave. I can't get dressed with you in the room."

The tips of his ears went red. Kvir moved his hand to the door, pointed at me, then at the door again. Finally, he just gave up and turned around.

I let out a breath of relief once the door closed behind him. How much more awkward could that have gotten?

A smile tugged at my lips. As scary as he could be sometimes, it was almost worth it to see him embarrassed.


I went over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of longer pants and a shirt. I was not in a dress mood.

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