Chapter 24

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For the next two weeks, I spent a lot of time at the hospital with Jake. Blake often joined us as well, and we spent a lot of time just sitting around and talking. Jake’s memory still wasn’t really any better, so we talked about the same things quite a bit. It was frustrating, but I eventually got used to it.

            When Blake and I weren’t at the hospital together, we were practicing for the talent show. We had both taken a couple of days off from school after Jake woke up, but we went back at the end of the week.

            It was now the day before the talent show, and I was sitting in Jake’s hospital room with him. “So are you going to be able to come to the show?” I asked.

            “Yeah, but I’ll have to be in a wheelchair because I’m not really that steady on my feet yet,” he replied with a grimace.

            “I know how you feel. Being in a wheelchair sucks, no matter how long it’s for,” I told him. “But at least you’ll be there, so that’s good.”

            “It is. I just wish I could be on my own two feet for it, that’s all.”

            “You’ll get better with time, so it’s not like you’ll be in a wheelchair forever. That’s something to be grateful for.”

            “I am grateful for that. I got really lucky, because it doesn’t seem like there will be any permanent physical damage.”

            I fidgeted in my chair a little, trying to get more comfortable. My back was a little sore today and I was praying that it wouldn’t act up too much tomorrow. “Has the doctor told you when you’ll be released permanently yet?”

            “He said I might be able to go home next week, but only because Jared will be there as well. Speaking of Jared, have you met this new girlfriend of his yet?”

            “Cindy? Yeah, she’s really nice. Was Jared here visiting with you earlier?”

            Jake frowned a little. “No, not yet. Why?”

            “How did you remember that Jared had a new girlfriend then?”

            His eyes widened. “Holy crap, he told me that yesterday! I actually remembered something that happened more then twelve hours ago!”

            “That’s awesome! Maybe your memory is starting to come back now,” I said happily. Then I gave him an evil smirk. “Soon you won’t be able to just forget about the images of Blake and I being alone together.”

            Jake made a face. “Gross, that is not something I need to be thinking about. I really hope I can still forget that.”

            I laughed. “This is just payback for all the times I caught you and Amanda making out. How are things going with her, anyways?”

            “I don’t really know,” Jake replied. “She hasn’t been here today, so I don’t know what we’ve talked about for the past couple of weeks. I know I’m looking forward to seeing her though, so hopefully that’s a good sign.”

            “Will you ask her to marry you eventually?”

            “Yeah, I think I will. I’ve learned that life is too short to hold back when you love someone.”

            “I agree. And you and Amanda are so perfect for each other.”

            “I know. Hopefully she’ll say yes when I do ask her. But I want to make sure I have my memory back first. I don’t want to ask her and then forget about it the next day.”

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