v. the rowling virus

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Dedicated to Ivey (a_colorful_dreamer) because she's fab and she called my story cute.

                      I’m ninety-nine percent sure that my head is going to explode.

            Most usually say I am never drinking again after waking with a huge hangover, but never actually committing to that statement. As for me, I am actually neverdrinking again. It’s 7:00 in the morning and I was lucky enough to get six hours of sleep last night. Since I’ve woken up, I’ve done nothing for that 10-page research paper on great literary figures for freshman English.

            Unfortunately, it’s due in about five hours.

            I stumble out of bed thanking God that Jenna left the blinds closed from the horrible rays of the sun. I grab my laptop and I try to focus, because writing a 10-page paper in five hours isn’t going to be as easy as it sounds, especially when you are a perfectionist like me who revises her work every five seconds. I have a feeling I get that from my mother, who has written at least five different version of each Harry Potter book.

            I check my laptop screen to realize that my laptop still isn’t turned on even though I remember hitting the power button; I try it again to find a blue screen filled with computer encryptions only a computer nerd would understand. My laptop must have some kind of virus on it.

            I am so screwed.

            I immediately search for my phone and dial Jenna’s number, praying that she picks up. After a few rings my prayers were answered.


            “Hello? Jenna?” At first, I think I’ve called the wrong number.

            “Oh, hey Libby! Sorry- this week I’m focusing on the Estonian culture and it’s so fascinating! Did you know-“

            “You can tell me about it later.” I interrupt. “I was wondering if I could borrow your computer.  Mine has this weird virus in it and I have a huge paper due.”

            “Yeah, no problem. The password is buttercup, and you know you can give your laptop to Mason because he’s really good with computers.  Alright, my professor is about to show us the Native American rain dance, I have to go. Bye!” She quickly hangs up before I even have a chance to respond.

          “Bye.” I reply even though she is long gone into her weird rain dance lecture. Even though I should be typing away on the computer right now to finish that essay, I decide that going to see Mason is more important.  Which is weird, because when I got here, I always told myself academics would be my first priority and now somehow I feel the need for a guy I’ve only known for a couple of days.

            I did need to make sure Mason is still alive after last night, right?


         I find myself in front of Mason’s dorm room and just as I was about to knock, he opens the door.

            “Hey Mason, I was wondering- HOLY shit what happened with your eye?” His eye is swelled up so bad that it looks like half of his face is a balloon that you would never really pick to be at a birthday party.

            “Yeah, well, the guy from the party last night wasn’t really cool with me making out with girlfriend last night, but hey, don’t girls dig the injured ones?” He sends me a wink which I immediately reply with by rolling my eyes.

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