vi. voldeberry freeze

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              Mason is ruining my life.

            I groan as I shut Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and place it by the desk that I share with Jenna. It’s been weeks since I made that terrible deal with Mason and now it’s his ultimate mission to make me a Harry Potter freak; sucks for him though, because it’s not going to work. I grew up with these books and if I hated them then, I’m not going to love them now.

            He has a step-by-step plan called ‘The Harry Potter vs. Libby Plan’- Mason keeps saying that I am at a constant battle between myself and Harry Potter and that if I just let it in, my life would be whole or some other philosophical shit. I don’t really pay attention to him these days. Even when Jenna and Mason went back home for thanksgiving and I stayed, he wouldn’t stop texting me on how my reading was going. Of course, not only did have I to deal with Mason but Phoebe and my mother as well. They were both upset because I didn’t come home and I apologized and said that I had to focus on my studies and that I would be coming for Christmas break.

            Honestly, I don’t know why I decided to stay on campus rather than go home; I did miss them a lot, but maybe I wasn’t ready to be reminded of my old life. The good news is, right after Jenna and Mason had their little freak out session over my identity, they both promised to treat me like the normal human being I was. I was relieved that things were going back to normal for once.

            Except for the constant Harry Potter crap Mason is slamming down my throat.

            So now here I am, hearing Jenna’s insanely loud snores and wondering how the hell I managed to become friends with Mason Green. I sigh and pick up the Harry Potter book again, deciding to finish it tonight so I can hand it back to Mason tomorrow. I open up the book and suddenly my phone rings; I grab it quickly and turn it on silent so I don’t wake up Jenna. Then again, if her snoring doesn’t seem to bother her, I’m guessing nothing will.

            “Hello?” I whisper quietly.

            “Libby!” A girl screams on the other end. It’s Phoebe. Of course she would forget such a thing called time zones.

            “You do realize it’s 4 in the morning, right?” I reply, slightly annoyed. Even though I really don’t have a reason to; it’s not like I was asleep anyways.

            “Oh right! I always forget about time zones. Oops!” I roll my eyes; it’s funny how well you know someone.

            “Of course you did.” I reply sarcastically. “How are you and Mum?”

            “Mum is busy like usual. I think she’s working on a new book, but I can never be sure- she doesn’t tell me anything, of course. I’m fine now that I finally have your room to store my clothes.”

            “Phoebe, if you touch my room, I will chop your hair off in your sleep.”

            “You still can’t take a joke, Libby. Anyways- please tell me that you are not halfway across the world to be boring, how’s college?”

            “It’s… different.” I reply. Although different isn’t exactly the word I would use. Of course I wouldn’t tell Phoebe- I love annoying her by making her curious.

            “Different?” I can just imagine her rolling her eyes. “That’s really all you can give me? Come on Libby, did you meet any cute boys?” She pleads.

            For some odd reason Mason pops into my head. Sure, I admit he is cute and attractive, but not someone I am going to tell Phoebe about. She will have this whole theory about how we will get married and crap like that. It’s not like she can help it- my sister is a hopeless romantic while I don’t personally enjoy all that cheesy romance crap.

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