ix. hide and seek

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           You know how in the movies they show kids in college as this great adventure of self-identity and finding yourself, and as a kid I would watch these movies and dream about the days of going to college. The idea of being away from my mother (and Harry Potter) would make me so happy I already started picking out colleges in the 7th grade. 

            I later realized that people who make movies are liars.

            Maybe that’s why I want to be a screenwriter, I like lying. Why would you want a little kid to see what the world truly is? Wouldn’t you want them to believe that sometimes life has a way of working out even if it’s just for a little while? Right now my life is not working out the way it would in the movies because of one problem and one problem only.




            So far it’s been about a week since the incident, and we haven’t spoken since. Not like I’ve been wanting to speak to him in the first place, probably explains why I study in the library now in case he comes by my dorm room and why I eat every meal 2 hours late to make sure he isn’t in the cafeteria.

            It’s not only that, but now every time I think of Mason or even feel like I’m somewhere near his presence I start to feel weird. My heart starts beating rapidly and a nauseous feeling sets down in my stomach, and I swear my palms start sweating. I never sweat, not even last summer when we took a trip to Italy and it was over 90 degrees and I had on a very warm hoodie.

            If this is love, I want no part of it.

            Jenna and I are sitting on our separate desks and I’m trying to focus on studying for a test, but I just now that Jenna is staring at me which indicates she wants to talk. I get this feeling that Mason told her about what happened and naturally Jenna wants to discuss this. The problem here is I don’t.

              Soon enough, Jenna says, “Libby.”


            “Are we-“

            “No,” I interrupt. “We are not.”



            Jenna moves in a little closer to my desk and closes my textbook. “Oooohhhhh Liiiibbbbbbyyyyy,” Jenna singsongs.

            I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, there was something about Jenna that could put anyone in a good mood right away.  “Fine, speak.”

            “So,” a sly grin appears on her face. “How was it?”

            “How was what?”

            “The kiss you idiot,” she replies in a sarcastic tone.

            “Oh, that.” Honestly, I have thought about that kiss more than a thousand times this week and every time I did I mentally slapped myself for being an idiot. I will not be the kind of girl that goes all soft because one boy decides to pay attention to her. “It was…unexpected.” I finally reply.

            Jenna shakes her head, “You are terrible at being girl.”

            I ignore her comment and turn my attention back to my textbook, after a few seconds the words begin to jumble up in my brain so I close my textbook only to turn around and find Jenna waiting on us to continue the conversation. I know this for a fact because Jenna is giving me one of her signature looks that at all costs you would probably want to avoid.

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