Say Whaaat

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My phone started to ring and Believe by Asking Alexandria interrupting Ben

"I'm so sorry guys." I said digging it out of my back pocet

"What did you brake Jacky?" I awnsered knowing that they did because they always brake shit when the play COD

"Matty did it"

"I did not you lieing sack of poop!" I herd Matty say in the background

"He broke your Harry Potter movie." Jacky said taking a deep breath afterwards

"YOU DID NOT!" I screamed

"Sky I will buy you another I promise." Jacky pleaded

"Which DVD was it." I said calming down a little

"Chamber of secrets." he said


"I'm going to curb stomp you Jacky!" I said ending the call

I looked up at Ben and Danny

"Sorry about that." I said shoving my phone back in my pocket

"What did they brake?" Danny asked

"My Harry Potter movie." I said looking down with a sad face

"That sucks love." Danny said

"What do you guys think about Harry Potter?" I asked looking up

"i love Harry Potter, I'm getting the Dark Mark tattooed on my arm!" Danny said pointing to his arm

"I hate it, I think the first three books were really good, and then it just got too long and drawn out, and the movies are just fucking terrible!" Ben said with a disgusted face

My mouth droped

"I think Ben should shut the fuck up, AND QUIT TALKING SHIT ABOUT MY HERO!" Danny yelled

I fell to the ground laughing and clutching my sides

"I love you guys." I let out as Danny helped me up

"Hey what time is it?" I asked

"ah 1:30." Ben said looking at his phone

"Fucking tits I have to go get ready." I said

"Hey before you go can I get your number." Ben said holding out his phone

"Yeah man." I said typing my number in

"See you guys later good luck on stage." I said walking away

"you too." they bolth said

A  Tour To Remember (Warped tour)  COMPLETED (Ben Bruce Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now