let go of my hand you dont give a damn

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"Hello?" I said out loud I turned around and saw Danny coming out from the back room

"I knew you would come here." He said as he started to walk towards me

"Yeah I came here to get my shit then I am leaving this bus and never coming back, Danny I cant handle this I have so much stress as it already is, I have bad anxiety and bad depression, My heart and mind has enough damage ok." I said taking a big breath

"Oh....I am sorry love." Danny said looking down at his feet with a sad look on his face

"I didn't say we couldn't be friends." I said pulling him into a hug, he hugged me back even harder and said

"I am sorry about Ben, I told him to slow down on his drinking but he didn't listen, he lost a amazing girlfriend he is stupid Sky." He said letting go of me

"I know I just, I thought he loved me." I said as tears started to roll down my cheeks while I shoved more stuff in my bag

"Ben has always been a stupid drunk, he wont remember anything in the morning, but I will tell him that he was a cunt for losing the best girlfriend he has ever had." Danny said looking up at me then down, I blushed as I headed for the door

"Bye Danny." I said as I left and went to my tour bus that was right next to there's. I threw my bag down and grabbed a pen and paper and climbed into my bunk and wrote all my feelings down basically about my childhood and how shitty it was and of course I wrote about Ben. I just got done when I got a text from Jolie

hey were are you?

In my tour bus, why?

Is it okay if me and Kenadee crash there and plus she wants to see you

YES of course you can I will be waiting (:

Haha Kenadee is getting all exited, see you in a bit Hun

I jumped down from my bunk exited to see Kenadee for the first time after Mitch passed away, I was basically living at there house because Mitch was teaching me how to scream without hurting my vocal cords, you guys are confused yeah? Well me and Mitch met at Warped tour

*FLASHBACK* Warped tour 2009

"You can not scream, I don't believe you show me." Matty said with his arms crossed like the ass he was

"YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE SO JUST GO FUCKING NUTS!!! LIVE LIFE HARRRDDD!!!!" I screamed as loud and clean as I could

Matty stood in shock and then I herd a voice behind me say

"That was amazing." I turned around and it was Mitch Fucking Lucker my inspiration my idol, hero everything I thought of and dreamed of becoming a successful screamer like him

"But you could tear a vocal cord right there." he said poking my neck 

"You gotta bring it down a little."

"Mitch oh my god I-I-I." I couldn't talk so I just gave him like the biggest hug in the history of hugs

He laughed quietly and rubbed my back

"But hey you should call me some time and I could teach you to scream like the devil himself, I am not doing this cuz im a creep I am doing this because I think you could really get somewhere in life with a scream like that." Mitch said handing me a piece of paper and smiling

"Thanks Mitch I love you man!!" I said with the biggest grin on my face

"Your welcome, well I gotta go, whoa I almost forgot your name miss." Mitch said turning back around

"Haha oh its Skyler." I said still smiling like a creep

"Skyler that's a pretty name, well see you around Skyler." Mitch said smiling them walking away


I herd a knock on the door

"Come in." I said still smiling

In ran little Kenadee screaming "SYI SYI SYI."

"KENA!!" I screamed as she ran up too me and I picked her up hugging her, tears falling from my face, I missed this little girl way too much

"Syi why you leave me." Kena said as I sat on the couch and her climbing up on my lap

"Well there were some things I had to take care of." I said brushing a piece of blonde hair out of her face

"Well I missed you." She said cuddling into my chest and soon after that falling asleep 

"I missed you more kiddo." I said stroking her hair as a tear fell from my eye, every time I look at her all saw was Mitch

Jolie came bursting through the door out of breath

"There she is thank god." She said quietly so she wouldn't wake her up, she sat her and Kena's bag down and slumped into the couch

"Is she sleeping in your bunk?" Jolie said looking over at me

"Yeah only if you want me too." I said looking back at her

"Yes please." Jolie said laughing a little

"Alright and oh you can sleep in the bunk below mine." I said carefully getting up with Kena attached  to me like a monkey

"Fallow me." I said carefully walking to the bunk area

A  Tour To Remember (Warped tour)  COMPLETED (Ben Bruce Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now