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(This is the art used for the cover of this book. It kind of sucks but whatever. Enjoy the prologue!)

It was a dark, cloudy, windy day out on the sea. A ship crashed in the waves as sailors sang a song of Mermaids.

🎵I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue!
And it's hey to the starboard, heave ho!
Look out, Lad, a Mermaid be waitin' for you!
In mysterious fathoms below!🎵

They chanted heartily.

This ship just wasn't an ordinary ship. This ship had a prince and his butler on it. They were on their way to the land of D'Quar. The prince aboard the ship, Kylo Ren, was on his way to meet the princess of the land.

Even though he didn't want to meet her, it was his royal duty. He could at least just politely say no and they would be off! Besides, he put that aside and thought about his 24th birthday which was later tonight.

He had his light brown wookiedog, Chewwie, running around with him on the deck. Kylo ran up the ship and he grabbed a rope and he swung around laughing. He took in a deep breath, inhaling the salty air.

"Ah! Isn't this great?! The salty sea air and the wind blowing in your face!" He said happily. He then looked to his left at his butler. "Perfect day to be at sea!" He said smiling.

Meanwhile, Hux had his head hanging over the railing of the pirate-like royal ship. "Yes... It's..." Hux tried to finish his sentence through sickly shaken breaths. "D-Delightful..." His face was green with his ginger hair outlining his seasickness.

He then puked over the edge into the water way down below. "Arg! A sea storm be a brew! King Kenobi must be angry whilst he be hard at work!" One sailor said as he was sorting through fish that they had just caught in a giant net.

Kylo's dark brown eyes widened. He looked over at the sailor. "King Kenobi?" He asked, eyebrow raised as he was interested. "Ah. The sea king of the Merpeople, Lad! Almost every good sailor knows about him!" The scurvy sailor said smiling, carrying an orange fish which was still alive.

Hux finally felt better. Just by hearing their conversation, he pinched the bridge of his nose annoyed. "Ugh. Merpeople!" He scowled. He walked over to Kylo.

"Prince Kylo, don't listen to this sailor-nonsense! There's no such thing as Merpeople!" Hux said in disgust, laughing rudely towards the sailor with his nose held high. "It ain't nonsense, it be the truth!" The sailor insisted, pointing a fish up into Hux's face.

The 6'2 man flinched staring down at the short sailor, the flopping fish struggling to live in Hux's face. "I'm telling you there be Merpeople down at the bottom of the ocean depths they live!!!" He said laughing as the fish was flipping out in Hux's face.

Hux was backed up against the rail and the sailor let the fish go. The fish squirmed up Hux's face and fell down. It dove down from the high ship then landed in the water. The fish looked up at the ship's bottom as it slowly went away.

He smiled relieved and sighed happily. He then looked around and started to swim down to the bottom. He swam down into the coral reef down below and swam by some clams.

He then swam by a school of other fish and he weaved through some jellyfish. He then saw a humpback whale and he dashed by its eye. The fish then saw the place he was supposed to go.

He started swimming beside a certain group. A group of MERMAIDS and MERMEN! They all were on their way into the kingdom of Alderaantia! Today, was a very special day.

It was the concert of none other than King Kenobi's very granddaughters; the princesses of Alderaantia. They all entered the kingdom gates and swam through the large underwater city. They found the large theatre and swam inside.

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