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(Already? I'm on a roll XD)

BB-8 was floating right outside the large entryway of the throne room; waiting anxiously for Meena. He could hear the king's voice admonishing the young girl.

"I just don't know what we are going to do with you, young lady." Kenobi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he fell back into his large shell and coral throne.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I just forgot! You know how my ADD can get! I—" But Meena, her Anxiety acting up, was cut off by her grandfather. "As a result of your careless behaviour–" Kenobi was cut off by a certain furious crab whom crawled down from the throne's arm onto Kenobi's large blue tail.

"Careless and RECKLESS behaviour!" Finn announced. "The ENTIRE celebration was, err–" The king, once again, was cut off by Finn. "Well, it was ruined!" The crab exclaimed. He then swam over floating in front of Meena's face.

"That's all! COMPLETELY destroyed!" Finn said angrily. "This concert was to be the pinnacle of my DISTINGUISHED career!" He sighed, resting a claw above his two eyes in mock-distress.

He then froze and glared back at the princess. He clenched his jaw. "And now thanks to YOU I've become the laughingstock of the ENTIRE kingdom of Alderaantia!!!!!!!!!" Finn shouted at the poor girl.

BB-8 growled. He had enough of that crab's harsh words. Without thinking, the fish shot through into the throne room and got all up in Finn's face snarling defensively for Meena.

"WELL IT WASN'T HER FAULT!" BB-8 yelled in Finn's face. But then he blinked and froze. He stared up at Kenobi frightened, realizing he just interrupted the king's current session with Meena.

BB-8 quickly bowed nervously to Kenobi. "Sorry, your Highness..." BB-8 said frightened. He then went back to normal, shivering in fear. "B-But, if I may explain..." BB-8 began.

"Ah - well - first, ahh, this shark chased us - y-yeah!" The fish started nervously. "And we tried to - but we couldn't!" He rambled. Meanwhile, Kenobi and Finn were listening; but they both side-glanced at each other confused and rather unconvinced by the fish's rambling.

"A-And - GGGGGRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" BB-8 roared as he made an impression of the great white shark. "And - we - WWWWWWHHHHOOOOOOOOAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" BB-8 exclaimed as he swam in a circle, reenacting the events from earlier.

"Oh, and then we were safe!" He sighed relieved. "But then this SEAGULL came along!" He added, smiling nervously. "And he kept saying how this-is-this and that-is-that!" He rambled on and on, not realizing what he just said.

Kenobi's eyes widened at the mention of a seagull. He shook his head. "S-Seagull? What?" He said as he realized where Meena went up to. BB-8 gasped, covering his mouth with his fins.

He frantically swam back and hid in Meena's hair. Meena looked down over her shoulder at her friend; growling angrily at him. "Oh! You went up to the surface again, didn't you?" He said, his voice slowly raising. "DIDN'T YOU?!" He yelled.

Meena bit her lip anxiously. She then shrugged. "N-Nothing happened!" She said, smiling a wide open-toothed nervous smile; showing her braces. "Aw, Meena!" Kenobi sighed.

"H-How many times must we go through this?!" He asked, running his hand through his grey hair, tired with the whole subject. "Here we go again..." Meena thought to herself annoyed as she rolled her soft brown orbs.

"You could've been seen by one of those BARBARIANS! By - By one of those - HUMANS!" Kenobi said worriedly as he gestured upwards. "Grandpa, they're NOT barbarians!" Meena protested, her Anger Issues starting to act up.

"They are DANGEROUS!" Kenobi insisted. "Do you think I want to see my youngest granddaughter snared by one of those – FISH-EATER'S hooks?!" Kenobi said, with a caring yet serious tone as he held Meena's delicate chin.

But Meena glared up at her grandfather from beneath her glasses. She swam a few inches backwards; away from Kenobi's touch. "I'M 16 YEARS OLD! I'M NOT A CHILD ANYMORE!" She yelled back at the king.

Kenobi then got really mad. "Don't you DARE take that tone with me, young lady!" He yelled at her, pointing a finger at his granddaughter.

"As long as you live under MY ocean, you will OBEY my rules!" He shouted sternly at the young girl. Meena sighed looking to the side, frustrated.

"But if you would JUST listen!" Meena said in a loud voice, feeling like she was just being ignored. "NOT ANOTHER WORD! AND I AM NEVER, EVER TO HEAR OF YOU GOING TO THE SURFACE AGAIN! IS. THAT. CLEAR?!" Kenobi shouted, his voice booming and echoing throughout the large throne room.

Meena opened her mouth about to object. But she closed her mouth as she straightened her back. She had her arms straight down her sides as her hands clenched into fists. Her bottom lip quivering. Her eyes watered beneath her glasses.

She then sighed and she swam away at full speed out of the throne room crying. BB-8 quickly swam after Meena and caught up with her; not wanting his friend to be alone.

Kenobi sighed and sat back down on his throne. He rested his cheek on his hand, slowly regretting how he just handled the situation.

"Ugh, teenagers!" Finn said disgusted with Meena's disrespect towards her own grandfather. "You give them an inch, they swim all over you!" He said, waving his claw in an annoyed manner.

Kenobi just looked off into the distance, contemplating Meena's sad reaction. "Do you think - that I was too hard on her?" The old king asked the crab. "Oh, DEFINITELY not!" Finn said.

"Why, if Meena were MY granddaughter, I'd show her who was BOSS!" Finn claimed, sounding bold. "None of this, "flitting to the surface"!" The crab said, fluttering his claws, slowly floating up on the spot.

"And all this other nonsense!" He added as he slowly drifted back down to the arm of the throne. "No, sir! I'd keep her under tight control!" Finn finished, puffing out his chest proudly; standing up straight with his red claws folded together behind his hazel shell and his eyes closed.

Kenobi slowly processed Finn's words, stroking his beard. Then, a lightbulb went off. His face brightened as he smiled. "You are absolutely right, Finn!" He said cheerfully.

"Of course!" Finn said smiling as he tilted his head side-to-side excited the king agreed. "Meena needs constant supervision!" The king said pointing his finger up. "Constant!" Finn said nodding.

"And YOU are just the crab to do it!" Kenobi announced happily, poking Finn with his triton lightly. Finn gasped as his eyes opened and he gulped. That wasn't what he meant...

He just nodded, smiling nervously and bowed. He then leaped off the arm of the throne and swam away as fast as his 6 red legs and his claws could carry him...

• • •

Finn was walking down a corridor of the coral castle, showing the kingdom outside down below. "HOW did I get myself into this?!" He said to himself angrily.

"I should be writing beautiful symphonies. Not babysitting some - some - angsty - HEADSTRONG teenager!" He growled as he felt frustrated with himself. He sighed sadly, looking out the window down at the city lights below.

Finn sighed looking outside and he saw a silhouette of a certain little mermaid and her fish friend right outside the hole-window. He then looked ahead and continued walking but froze and gasped; realizing he saw Meena and BB-8.

He ran back and he watched them. Meena had her satchel and she and BB-8 both started to swim off out of the kingdom. "Hm?" Finn said confused.

He rolled his eyes and jumped up swimming after the two. "What could that mischievous girl be up to NOW?!" He sighed annoyed under his breath to himself, following them close behind in a sneaky manor...

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