Chapter 21

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Though I was in shock at what I'd just witness, numb and probably couldn't think rationally because my brain had suddenly doesn't seem to be registering much, I was able to register three words 'Get the girl'.
Wait? That girl was me right? These guys just shot Matthew, what the hell are they going to do to me? There was only one voice ringing in my head 'Run!" The voice didn't need to tell me twice because that's exactly what I did.

I took off back in the direction of Matthew's bedroom quickly as my heel clad feet would allow me. Panic shook through me as I bolted the door before looking around frantically for an escape route. The sounds of the door being kicked in led me to run straight to the window kicking off my heels as I fought to open the window. I didn't know if it was because I was so frantic in escaping or if the stupid window was just old but I was having issues opening the latch, it seemed to be stuck.

"Oh god, come on, come on" I said near hyperventilating as I fought the latch to get it opened.

The minute I heard shots fired at the lock on the door, I thank my lucky stars the window was flung opened. Climbing out the window out back I began running down the fire escape stairs hearing the voices being close behind. Matthew's apartment was on the third floor so by the time I ran down two sets of stairs I was running out of breath and my legs were burning. The fact that these guys haven't shoot me yet when they were so close behind meant that they probably didn't want me dead, they wanted me alive for a purpose which scares the hell out of me more. I was positive that one of the men was at least six steps away from me a few more seconds and he would've grabbed me. I was still a floor away from ground level and in that moment I hoped my earlier years of gymnastics would still pay off right now. I hopped over the ledge of the railing and did a tumble which would either caused me to fall to my dead or hopefully got a perfect landing. When I went over the railing, I could feel the adrenaline rushing through me; I was determine to escape these guys whoever they were. I landed on my feet as I reached the ground; I thank God for those years I was enrolled in gymnastics classes.

"The bitch!" I heard one guy swore.

"Don't let her get away!" I heard another one called.

I continued running barefooted through the dark alley. I didn't what happened but a gunshot was fired somewhere near me causing me to ducked in fear and always stepping on something which ripped through the bottom of my right foot.

"Aww!" I cried out as my step faltered as the pain rushed through my foot.

Though my foot was most likely bleeding out right now, I know I couldn't stop just yet. So limping as fast as I could I tried getting as far as possible from this place when I was grabbed and my body locked into a hard definitely male body.

Oh shit!

One of the guy had finally caught up with me, I was screwed. I tried screaming and fighting but they were pointless as a hand covering my mouth muffled my screams and the person was definitely way stronger than I was. This was probably the end of me knowing what these guys had planned for me couldn't be anything good. Even though my tries to escape and scream for help seemed futile but I just couldn't give up yet as I continued thrashing around.

"Quit with the struggling already" a voice said harshly into my ear.

Oh my God. That voice.

I was still shaken up but I stopped struggling immediately.

"L-lucas?" I managed to stuttered out in disbelief. "I-It w-was you?"

Those guys who came in and shot Matthew and chased me were with Lucas? I couldn't believe this.

"Just keep quiet or I might just give your ass to them" he gritted out.


"Oh I see you've got something of mine" I heard a guy said breathing a bit short probably from the chase.

"Something of yours? Are you sure about that?" Lucas asked still holding unto me.

"Yeah, the girl you're holding on to?" The guy said pausing for what I guessed was dramatic effect before continuing. "She belongs to me".

"Is that so? I didn't know she had someone else's ownership written on her" Lucas replied seriously.

All I wanted right now was to disappear or hopefully wake up from this awful nightmare. But this was nightmare, it was a real life issue and I was currently in the middle of it; like literally- I was in between two dangerous guys who had no qualms about killing right now. I was surely seconds away from shitting my pants or fainting.

"Yes she's mine. So come on, hand her over. Or..." He drawled raising his gun to show.

"Due to the fact that she was running, so desperately trying to get away from you  is evidence enough that she doesn't. So I'm afraid to tell you that giving her to you isn't going to happen" Lucas replied.

"Alright tough guy" the other guy chuckled before raising the gun towards us. "Here's how its going to go... You have up to the count of three to hand her over, or...have your brains scattered on that ground where you're standing...pretty much like her little boyfriend upstairs"

At hearing him said that I couldn't stop the whimpering sounds that escaped me as I was shaking more immensely.

"One... Two... " the guy started counting. "Before he could reach three Lucas slightly put me forward as if handing me over to the guy. My heart almost stopped as the guy started smiling "See, cooperation is always goo..."

Before he could finished his sentence Lucas had pulled me back to him tucking my face into Hus chest and gunshots rang out. I clung to him for dear life screaming like hell.

"I told you I wasn't handing her over to you" I heard Lucas said, his chest vibrating as he spoke before another shot was fired "I never agreed to such cooperations"

The sound of a thud falling to the floor told me all I needed to know; Lucas had killed the guy and also saving my ass for the second time around.

"I see you've also already handled things here" I heard another voice spoke.

Shakily I let go off Lucas's jacket lifting my face from his chest and turning around. I saw the guy who had brought me from Lucas's place to Katie's apartment that time- Carter I think- but that wasn't the only thing I saw; the bloodied body on the ground was the other thing that caught my eyes. The weight of everything that has happened since night and what I had witnessed in addition to the dead bodies including Matthew's- made me sick. I was just in time to turn away from Lucas before bending over and puking my guts out. I heard Lucas said something about taking care of the others or something like that but I was totally zoned out of everything else.

After totally emptying the contents in my stomach, I finally stood up my ears were ringing and I felt dizzy and lightheaded. I tried keeping myself balance and upright but I was swaying and couldn't help but winced as my injured foot hurt. As hard as I tried I know I could no longer stay vertical on my own. I was seconds away from falling on my face when Lucas caught me. I tried muttering something to him but failed to get any words out as everything went black.

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