sixteen // jet black heart

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AN: I'm once again SO sorry this has taken me so long to update. I have had a lot going on at school recently and its been taking up literally all my time lol. I promise I will try to update again very soon, especially because the next few chapters after this one are going to be very eventful ;) stayed tuned, and thanks for sticking around. -ellena


"God damn, how many more can you have?" I groaned from where I sat at the end of the bar, my arms folded across my chest.

"Enough to get me drunk as fuck," Michael shrugged as he downed yet another shot of whiskey, followed by a loud sigh of relief. He pushed his glass to the side and then buried his face into his arms. "Jim!"

He whined for the bar tender to return. Within a few seconds the older gentleman's spirit appeared and poured Michael another round. He then turned to me and lifted his eyebrows, as if to ask me if I wanted any.

"No thanks," I shook my head, turning back to Michael's sloppy self as Jim walked away. "Why do you always get drunk all the time?"

Michael leaned back and held the glass to his lips, staring at me out of the corners of his wide green eyes as he polished it off. "To forget that I'm dead."

I sighed and spun myself to face the front of the bar. Michael is still one of the moodiest ghosts I've ever encountered. He's either supper happy about death or extremely whiney about it. I guess I don't blame him -- I just wished I understood him more. 

"Aren't we all a little dead in one way or another?" I spoke up after a while, chuckling to myself.

Michael mumbled a sentence I couldn't even understand one word from. "That's what you said two days ago," I continued. 

"Jim!" Michael wailed, leaning back in his seat. I sighed and took his shot glass away from him, draping my arms over his shoulders. "We should go back to our room -"

"No! I want to stay here!" he snapped as he stumbled onto his feet, much to my own force. "Why won't you get drunk with me?"

"Because I don't want to," I replied as I attempted to lead Michael away from the bar. "It's not going to solve anything."

"What do you mean? Of course it will!" he giggled. "It's fun! And besides - it's not like I can just walk outside and go do anything else, I'm stuck in here forever!"

"Yeah," I huffed, stumbling over Michael's clumsy feet. "I kind of am, too."

I haven't left the Hollywood Hills Hotel in 3 days. I didn't see the point in doing so just yet. Although I've been inherently appointed as the hotel's sole guardian and savior, Michael hasn't agreed to let me leave yet. I told Al I'd go out there and try to find some more dirt on Jonathan Walker's company, which I wouldn't have a problem doing... it Michael would actually let me out of his sight. 

Fortunately, Al has stayed out of my hair since the night he tried to kill me. I haven't seen him since he disappeared into the wall that night -- it was almost as if what I told him scared him so bad, he couldn't even get himself to leave his fancy penthouse anymore.

As I dragged Michael's drunken body down the stairs, I could see Susie staring at us from her position at the front desk. I looked up and met her gaze, but as soon as we made eye contact she quickly looked away and returned to organizing the papers in front of her.

I stopped walking all together and looked her up and down, my eyes narrowed in annoyance. I could see Susie trying desperately to keep her focus on the check-in book, swallowing nervously to herself. 

"Ugh, shit. I'm so drunk." Michael mumbled beside me, bringing my attention back to him.

"Okay..." I slowly turned away from Susie and readjusted my grip around Michael. "Let's get you upstairs, then."

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