twenty two // The Bad Man

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"Have you talked to Luke yet?" I asked as Michael and I's bodies rolled ontop of the bed, our lips going in and out of hurried kisses.

Letting out a groan, Michael pushed himself off of me and sat up against the headboard. "Why do you always ask me shit at the worst times?" he asked. "I want to have sex with you. Not talk about Luke."

"Kay, well, I'm not really sure whether I want to have sex with a ghost just yet." I remarked.

Michael wiggled his eyebrows. "What about sex with a former rock star?"

A smile crept onto my lips, and reached over to clasp both my hands around his cheeks. "Fair enough. But you're still a ghost."

Michael grinned into our kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist, hoisting me up onto his lap.

"And no, I have not," he mumbled into the crook of my neck. "He still won't talk to me."

As Michael worked his way down to my chest, I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "How did you ever manage to put up with him?"

"I didn't. Hence why I was dead for five years," Michael laughed. 

After kissing once more, I pulled back and let my curiosity pester Michael some more. "Was he always such a dick?"

"No. He wasn't," Michael settled down on the bed so his head rested on my chest. "That's the worst part of it."

"Not necessarily," I pointed out. "If he was once a nice guy then he has the ability to be nice again. He can change."

"Yeah, well. I think this hotel is the last place Luke Hemmings will be willing to change in." Michael mumbled, followed by a shrug. "Whatever. His problem, not mine."

I ran my fingers through Michael's soft red hair, gently tugging at the ends. "You've reconnected with your other band members though, right?"

Michael nodded. "Mhm. Of course, except -"

And then, just as I knew Michael was about to mention Zach, the front crashed open and he himself stumbled inside.

Zach froze as his eyes fell upon us, both half-naked on laying on top of each other, and an awkward silence fell over the room. Michael lifted his head and sent Zachary a menacing, narrowed-eyed glare as Zach hastily looked away and tried to compose himself. 

"Oh - um," he stuttered. "I was looking f-for Luke. Wrong room, I guess."

"Are you sure?" Michael sneered as he rose to his feet, adjusting his leather belt that he had left unbuckled. "Or were you just trying to get a glimpse of my girlfriend?"

"What-? No! Not at all, I was...I can't find Luke anywhere," Zach said as he backed away, holding his hands out in defense. "Do you know where he is?"

"Probably in this hotel somewhere," I shrugged, somewhat amused by this whole situation. When in doubt, when things get awkward... just pretend they're not. 

Zach looked at me dully. "Yeah. No shit."

"Hey!" Michael snapped, taking a step towards Zach. "Don't speak to her like that."

"Relax, Michael," I sighed as I sat up. "He was just looking for Luke."

Michael whipped around with a dumbfounded look on his face. "What do you mean relax? He's trying to -"

"I really wasn't," cried Zach.

Michael turned back to Zach and pointed an angry finger at him. "Shut up!"

"Oh, my god," I groaned as I rolled off the bed, throwing my shirt back over my shoulders. I pushed my way in between the two boys and made both of them back away from each other. "This has gone on long enough," I said sternly. "If you're both destined to live here for the rest eternity, you need to make up."

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