A smoke at soccer practice

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After another draining day at school i take the bus home.
As i get home i go straight up to my room, i check my phone and see a couple messages from my mum and friends.
Mum: hey darling can you please walk your brother to soccer training @6? I will be late again sorry xox
I groan.
Lauren: did you see Max today? He was totally checking me out.
Lauren is in love with a 10th grader who doesn't even realise her existence, shes crazy. 
Kylie: did you get the english home work? I forgot mine at school.
I reply to all the texts and hop on facebook.
I come across the girl who i was looking at through the window and recognise her face.
Jacinta Marie.
Im not sure wether to request her or leave it, but before i decide i realise its 4.30 and i better get Jordan my brother ready.

At 4.50 we're out the door and heading to soccer.
When we get there Jordan is a couple minutes late, i sit on the chairs outside and watch.
20 minutes go by and im bored as anything.
I walk across the street and see a fish and chip shop, i walk inside and see two boys and a girl buying beer and cigarettes, i notice her face instantly.
I realise i have no money and walk out of the shop, i hear voices behind me.
One of the boys whistles at me.
'Hey cutie, you want a dart?'
I look behind me, wondering if they really are talking to me.
They all look straight at me, im not sure what to do.
I dont want to seem weak to the most popular girl in school.

He opens the pack and offers me a cigarette, i grab one and look at it.
They all walk along the side of the shop and sit down behind the store.

The other boy gets out a red lighter and starts lighting his and the others cigarettes.
He looks at me, he hands over the lighter.
I'm nervous, i have never smoked, done drugs or anything like this before.
But i didnt want them to think i wasn't cool.
I place the filter between my lips.
I put the flame to the end of it and inhale it all in.
I pass over the lighter.

'Hey im jacinta, this is rick and darren'
'Hi im Sabrina'.
'Have i seen you around school you look familiar' she asks.
'Yeah i think i have home ec with you?'
I reply.
'I wouldn't  know, i don't go to class. Whats the point? Dumb teachers who pick on you for not knowing crap they don't even teach you.
Its a load of bullshit'
I shrug and watch her inhale the filter and exhale.

I do the same and cough.
'First time?' I think rick asks.
'Oh we got a virgin smoker on our hands, don't worry we'll take good care of you' he responds.

I check my phone to see the time reads 5.30.
'Oh shit i have to go pick up my little brother from soccer'
'Wait whats your number? Ill call you sometime and we can hang out'
Oh my god, the coolest girl at school wants to hang out with me?
An average girl?
I put my number in her phone and say goodbye.

When i get home with my little brother i race to my room and scream with joy.
Mum comes running in my room.
'Sabrina what is all this noise about?!'
'Sorry mum just excited'.
'Oh well thats good sweety but please be more quiet. What is that i smell? I smell cigarettes'
'Sorry mum, one of the adults sitting next to me at soccer was smoking'
That was the first time i had lied to my mum.
I feel guilty.

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