A needle through your face

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It's saturday morning, i spring out of bed at 7am energetic as ever.
I walk down stairs and pass mum, i greet her on this lovely day,
'Morning mum' i say cheerfully.
'Morning hunny, you seem in a good mood'.
I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself some coffee and pop some toast on.
'Hey mum i was wondering if i could go to a party tonight?'
'Whose party?'
'This girl at my school Jacinta, ive been hanging out with her recently. Shes super nice'
'Will parents be there? Alcohol? Drugs?' Mum asks concerned.
'Mum please you know me i wouldn't drink or take drugs! Yes of course her parents will be there to supervise... its practically a hang out you could say'

I never ask mum to go out to parties, im not that type of person, but lately im feeling this adrenaline rush when i hang with jacinta, like im cracking out my shell and being rebellious.

'Okay darling sure, have a great time'
I kiss mum on the cheek, 'thanks mum! I love you! By the way i'll probably stay the night if thats okay?'
'Sure sweety just let me know the address'

I race upstairs and text Jacinta:
Hey what time should i come over, get ready mine or yours?

I get a reply within a minute.
Jacinta: come to mine at 4, we'll get ready and buy all the shit needed :)

Time skip to 3.40pm
I give mum the address and she drops me off, i grab my bag out of the boot and hug her goodbye.

I knock on the door and an older male answers the door.
He's tall, looks about a year older than me and has scruffy ash brown hair.
'Hey is jacinta there?' I ask.
'Jacinta you friend is here!' He yells to the stop of the stair case.
'So you 16?' He bites his lips.
I batt my eyelashes, he is quiet attractive.
'No im nearly 15' i answer.

Jacinta walks down the stairs and comes to the door.
'Jason leave Sabrina alone!'
She hugs me and greets me inside.
We go up to her room, her walls are filled with posters.
'Okay so we have 2 hours to go down to the shops and get all the essentials, then we get home which leaves like 3 hours to get ready and get everything set up. Did you bring that top you got the other day?'

I look to my bag and remember packing my bag, feeling so guilty.
'Yes, cant wait to wear it' i smile.
'Also i have surprise for you, c'mon lets go to the mall'

Jason drops us off at the mall, we walk inside and Jacinta leads me to a tattoo shop.
'What are you crazy? Im not getting a tattoo!' I exclaim.
She laughs, 'no silly, tonight there will be super cute boys there and they'll definitely talk to you if you have a piercing. So pick anything, a nose? A tongue? A lip? Eyebrow?'
I shudder at the thought of getting a needle stuck through my face.
My mother would kill me and it makes me a little nervous thinking about it.
I say ill get a tongue ring so i can at least hide it from my mother.

We walk up to the front desk, a guy standing there with tattoos all up his arms, neck and even a couple on his face.
He looks about 25ish.
'She'd like to get her tongue done thanks'
'And how old are you?' He asks.
'18' Jacinta lies.
I'd believe her being 18, with the way she dresses, but me?
'Hmm... do you have any form of ID or a parent here to give a signature?'
Jacinta walks around the desk and walks up the man, i cant see whats going on behind the desk but my guess is she is touching him inappropriately...
She whispers in his ear and kisses him on the lips.
I feel a bit uncomfortable.
After all that he takes me at the back of the store, i lay on a chair.
He asks me to open wide so he can wipe my tongue.
He clamps it with this weird thing i've never seen before, its so painful.
'This might sting a little' and before i know it there is needle through my tongue.
Wow, i have never done anything like this before.
After three minutes of him putting in the jewellery i look into the mirror.
'Oh my god sab that looks great!'

We walk out the door and Jacinta says 'hey how about you wait just for a couple of minutes and ill be back in a second i just need to pay him'
I sit outside the shop waiting for about five minutes wondering how long it takes to pay someone.
She comes out, her hair a mess and out of breath.
'Woo, thats taken care of' she winks at me.
I can only imagine what happened in there.

Time skip half an hour later

We walk out of the mall with a lot of alcohol, food and more.
'Wow im surprised the guy actually thought you were old enough to get alcohol and cigarettes!' I say.
'Lets just say i know him' she rattles off...

Writers note:
Really quick i just want to say thank you for reading so far! Sorry for spelling or grammar mistakes!
Read at your own risk ;)
Also this isnt a quote just to let you know this isnt apart of the story.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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