Ch. 23: Lucky

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Chapter 23:

3rd person POV:

John and Sherlock are currently standing in 221b, arguing over Sherlock's drug addiction.

In the middle of their argument, Sara storms into the flat. Throwing her bag to one side as she storms up to the dirty looking Sherlock.

"YOU FUCKING IDOT!" she roars and shoves him forcefully,"DRUGS? REALLY?!"

John stands off to one side, watching with a light smirk as Sara chews him out.

Sherlock stares at her with wide eyes, almost not believe she is really there.

"Answer me!" she demands,"Why are you doing them?!"

He finally finds his voice,"...A-a case. For a case."

Sara pulls at her hair in frustration,"A fucking case! Sherlock are you stupid?! Oh don't answer, because I know you are!" she shouts,"You are human, Sherlock! Your not invincible! If you keep doing this your body will shut down!"

Sherlock glances at John,"Can you give us a moment alone?"

John just chuckles,"No, I don't think I will. Enjoying the show too much."

"John!" Sherlock warns.


Sara's POV:

I give John a look and nod my head. He let's out a sigh,"Fine, I will be downstairs."

Once he leaves, Sherlock relaxes quite a bit. He turns back to me and smiles softly,"It's good to see you."

I frown and narrow my eyes,"Don't change the subject. Are you happy your little act brought me here?"

He casts his gaze downward,"...I wanted to see you again."

My eyes widen and my mouth falls agape,"I cannot believe this. You did this to bring me back?"

"Not...entirely," he mutters,"I am working on a case, but I had many different ways I could go about it. This choice I knew would have the best probability at getting you back."

I stare his dirty and unshaven face, spotting the needle marks on his arms. I let out a deep sigh and run my hands over my face.

He is like a god damn child!

"What now?" I question, lowering my hands and crossing my arms,"You have me here, what do you have planned next?"

He looks unsure,"Have you...join me on this case?"

"You better have a damn good reason other than that!" I growl.

He ruffles his hair,"It's been months!" he suddenly explodes,"You left me rotting in a hospital, to seemingly never return. I had to do something!"

I take a menacing step toward him,"Did you already forget what you did, Sherlock?" I question,"Did you expect me to fall into your arms after Tom and I parted? Well newsflash! The real world doesn't work that way!" I shout,"I am still angry at you for what you did!"

He studies me with a calculating gaze,"You two have not gotten back together," he notes.

I nod stiffly,"I told him that maybe it were best if we just stayed friends. I did not want to hurt him again somehow in the future."

"You protect him too much, Sara. He is not a weak human anymore."

"I have seen many of my past lovers die because of me! I do not wish to see it again!" I hiss.

Something dawns on him. "You push so many away from you, not because you are afraid of hurting them, but because you are trying to save yourself from the pain," he notes, stepping toward me,"That is why vampires do not marry, is it not? Because they have a much higher chance of losing a loved one than a human does, and that they will live with that pain for centuries."

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