Ch.28: It is about damn time

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Chapter 28:

Sherlock was admitted back into the hospital and his wound treated. Now he is just supposed to rest in the hospital for a week or so, then he can return to the flat.

I'm still angry as hell that he did not tell me he was in such pain. It was stupid of him, but I still feel guilty about the entire ordeal.

I sigh,"This is my fault."

I am sitting in a chair at Sherlock's bedside in the hospital. It is just us at the moment.

Sherlock frowns at me,"How so?"

"If I would have just accompanied you and John, then this would have never happened."

The sociopath tilts his head,"How did you find me? I thought you weren't coming on the case."

I take in a deep breath and look out the window,"Too be honest, it was Mycroft who wanted me to go. He told me to remove you and John from the case."

He narrows his eyes,"You came to stop us!"

I nod and look at my feet,"I did. But I just wanted to keep you safe. That man is dangerous."

"I was doing fine on my own-"

"Really? Because you got shot on your own!" I snap, glaring at him.

His piercing blue eyes bare into mine. "I don't need you to protect me. If you do not want to be here, then leave."

I let out a frustrated sigh,"I want to be here!" I tell him, feeling aggravated,"I want to be by you. I love you Sherlock and I won't leave you again!"

He stares at me, stunned by my statement. Then he narrows his eyes,"Did Mycroft put you up to this? Because if so-"

I cut him off by leaning in and attaching my lips to his.

He freezes, as if unsure of what to do, but he eventually kisses back before I pull away.

"Was that enough proof?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

He still looks stunned,"More wouldn't hurt."

I smile and roll my eyes, laughing softly.

"...What are you doing?" he questions me with suspicious eyes,"Why return my affection now?"

I let out a sigh and lower my gaze to my hands,"...I finally realized, that my love for you is stronger than I thought," I say softly,"Seeing you almost die made me think of how much I would miss you if you were gone. I already went through that once, I don't plan on going through it again," I raise my eyes and lock gazes with him,"Life has unexpected events, so many twists and turns. I do not want to miss my opportunity to be with you."

"What about Tom?"

I gulp,"...I think you were right. We were familiar, memories bonded us, but I don't love him the same way I love you," I tell him,"He will always be my friend, but he does not hold my heart anymore."

Sherlock mulls that over then slowly nods,"...Okay."

I blink,"O-okay? What does that mean?!"

"It means we are 'dating' now."

"Dating? But you didn't even ask me?!"

He looks confused,"We both know we love each other, why would I bother asking you to date me?" he questions,"I thought it was rather obvious."

I shake my head and sigh,"I'm not going to even bother," I stand and pat his head,"Get well soon, Sherlock."

"Your leaving?"

I nod and smirk,"I'm sure John needs someone right now, and you are just stuck in this bed. It would be pointless for me to stay here and do nothing."

His lips lift slightly in a smirk. I then leave him and walk to the flat on Baker street.


28 chapters later and they are finally together ;)




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