Sequel release!

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*Drum Roll*

You guys wanted a sequel to this book, so I'm giving you one. I'm writing it for Nanowrimo and I need a littler extra encouragement. I'm posting it early in hopes you guys can comment and vote on it to keep me pushing to finish it before the end of the month. 

The title winner was...Project Revolution! 

Check out Madison's story:

Blurb: Popularity isn't what she thought it would be...

Madison Bell as been tormented by Linkin Phillips for far too long, and now she's ready to put him in his place. He may be at the top of the school hierarchy now, but with help from her step sister, Lauren Scott, she'll show him who's really in charge. What she didn't expect is how hard being popular was, rumors, fights, mean girls, and a stigma surrounds the popular girls. Suddenly, Madison wishes she could fall back into the background but she can't escape now. Why did she think going from the quiet outcast to the top of the school's hierarchy was a good idea?

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