*Chapter 5- Screw You

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Parker was walking with me to class as I filled her in on what had happened since she raced out of my house and my mother filed for divorce. She wanted updates the night it happened, but I refused to give them to her after she ditched me. It was almost a month later, and now my mom and I were moved into a new house, and starting over. I was so busy I couldn't fill in Parker fully, so now she was begging me for updates as I was going to class. She would be late to hers, but she didn't care. I had  to be on time to mine. 

"I'm so glad that you decided to go with your mom, Lauren. I've noticed a real change in you." Parker stated as we walked through the hallways. I thought it was best to continue this conversation as privately as possible, but in high school you never got that pleasure. I had felt awful for choosing between my parents because no matter who I choose one would get hurt. It was a lose-lose for me, but once I listened to what my mother had told me, the choice became a breeze. I didn't want to be around my father for many reasons, starting and ending with him demanding perfect behavior from me at all times, and my mom had offered me something I had never had before; freedom. 

"It wasn't an easy choice, Parker, but I'm glad you agree with what I did. I feel better, happier in a way." I offered her a soft smile so she knew I meant it; not that I ever lied anyway.

"I know it was hard for you," she reassured me. "Your dad really pressured you to stay with him, but you made the right choice in my opinion. She gets that you're growing up and your interests have changed, it's time that you expand and explore your new thoughts and surroundings. Hopefully starting with the boys."

I playfully elbowed her as we walked. I would love to date before college, and meet a few new people, but I didn't see that happening anytime soon. We both smiled and laughed before the moment became serious once again. "I wasn't sure I did the right thing at first, but I couldn't even look at my dad the same way after we caught him. I still don't want to believe that he cheated on my mom, but he did," I admitted as my lips curved into a frown. "And there's no changing that. Even Mom knew that."

For the first few weeks of living in our new place, Mom was busy finalizing the divorce, re-writing papers and meeting with attorneys for various things. I barely saw her, but I was busy with unpacking, and reorganizing what we had brought with us while making trips to our old house while my father was out of the house so I wouldn't run into him again. Mom promised that tonight we would have my favorite dinner, Chicken Alfredo with broccoli, and as a sign of good faith she was going to let me cook while she wasn't home. It was the ultimate sign of trust since it was a solid rule that I wasn't allowed to cook, have friends over, or answer the door when no one else was home. Especially after I put a metal fork in the microwave and started a fire. Oops. 

"It's nice living with her and having a fresh start," I said, trying to remove the tension in our conversation. I knew it would come back, but I didn't want to talk about my father right now. He was still upset that I had chosen my mother over him. "She lets me stay out so much later."

"Yeah," Parker interrupted. "Until nine at night. That's a record." 

I went on as if I didn't hear her sarcastic remark, sometimes it was best to ignore her. "She lets me eat whenever I want including junk food."

"As long as it's not two hours before dinner," Parker muttered quietly beside me. She just had to point out that I didn't have as much freedom as I thought I did, but for me, these little things were huge. I had been on a strict diet in my dad's house and curfew was before the sun went down.

"She lets me stay up late," I stated in a sing-song voice.

"Until ten, and not a minute later," Parker stated as she came to a stop outside her locker to grab what she needed for her last class. I glanced at the clock, we have five minutes before the late bell rang. I wasn't too far from my class, and a minute late wouldn't alarm anyone. I was just nervous because I didn't want to cause a scene by walking in late, Parker didn't care when I got to class.

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