*Chapter 7 - No going back.

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I sat in the lawyer's office with my dad for an hour while waiting for the attorney to show up and read my mom's last will and testament. It had been tense since my father and I were reunited a few nights ago. I unwillingly moved back into our old house, and since then we hadn't spoken much to each other. We didn't even say hello when we saw each other in the mornings, he didn't go to work and I didn't go to school. It was very awkward, and I had a feeling this meeting wasn't going to make it any easier for us. 

When the attorney finally showed up, he didn't say anything to my father or I until he had the will out and in his hands. To me it looked like it pained him to actually be at this meeting. It may have been a Sunday, but he still had work, he should know that death didn't respect the usual work hours.

"I, Karen Scott, being in sound mind and body, declare this to be my last will and testament," Mr. Caldwell stated as he read over the document in a monotone voice.

I could see my dad sitting in the chair as if he would rather be anywhere but here. He had recently learned that my mother had started to file for divorce months prior to me catching him cheating. She apparently had caught the woman once before and told her to get out of their lives. I guess the woman had thought she was joking, and if Dad heard it he didn't take the threat to heart either. He just got sneakier, and a few months later he did it again.

He was forced to sign the papers out of shame. I didn't know exactly how she got him to sign them, but she did, and thanks to her need for control she had filed early, allowing enough time for the initial petition to be filed and for my father to mess up again, and then served my father soon after we left the house. All because my mom pushed the lawyer to file the paper work early and being prepared for when he did sign the papers. I guess it had come in handy to be a little pushy, but since we were her only living relatives we both had to be here for the reading. Although, my father was agitated because he didn't want to be here in the first place. He probably had to meet up with the home wrecker.

"I devise, bequeath, and give all my possessions to my daughter, Lauren Scott. I also give her all the settlements from my recent divorce, so that she may live the life she pleases," he stated as the attorney looked over the will to look me in the eyes. "You must be Lauren. I've been waiting to meet you, but I had hoped that it would be under better circumstances. My condolences."

"Thank you," I said awkwardly as I felt my father's eyes on me.

"Well, I'm sorry for the circumstances it's under but you now have basically anything that your mother had."

"Karen can't do that. Lauren is minor! She has no idea what to do with any of the stuff left to her. She can't have the house or the car―"

"Dad, my eighteenth birthday was five months ago," I interrupted, letting a scoff escape my lips. How could he forget that I had turned eighteen? He was there. He had to go out and buy the cake because he had forgotten to pick it up on his way home. He even had to go back when he for got the candles and ice-cream to go with it.

"Sir, your daughter is able to accept this as she is the sole benefactor of her mother's will. I would appreciate it if you did not have another out burst like that again," Mr. Caldwell said with a short eye roll as he turned back to me. "I will be handling the sale of your mother's estate, and will send you a check as soon as the sale closes."

"She doesn't even have her own bank account!" my father cried as the attorney tried to hand me paper work for everything.

"Actually she does. In that packet I provided you with, Lauren, there is an account number. Go to the bank, tell them account number and they will unfreeze the funds that your mother has already put into the account. You will also find a debit card, that will act as your connection to the account. They will provide you with deposit slips and everything once you open the account. It's already been worked out for you."

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