Chapter 13

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I hate taking pills.

I don't know how people can be addicted to taking pills because it takes all of my will power to swallow one down. It's just the weirdest feeling ever.

I'm sitting on a stool staring at the iron pill I need to take while Cook is cooking.

I don't want to take it. Maybe I can just-

"You know I have orders from the doc and Alpha to make sure you eat your spinach and iron pill," Cook gives me a look when he sees I have the solid iron pill on a napkin in front of me.

"Oh," I make a face, "right. That."

"How have your headaches been?" Cook asks, taking out a tray from the oven, and I think those are breadsticks. I lick my lips and Cook hands me one, it's still really hot, but I don't care and take a big bite of the buttery, garlicy goodness.

"Mmmmm," I moan. Cook gives a gruff laugh, starting on his chocolate chip cookies he makes me for the cookie jar.

"I have a proposition for you," I say after I finish up the delicious breadstick.

"What is it, girly?" Cook asks, turning towards me with his apron that says "World's Best Cook" and his neon pink oven mitts. He looks hilarious. 

"I need to eat healthier," I say. "The cookie jar is the best invention ever, but can you cut it?"

Cook frowns at me. "So how about I make oatmeal raisin?"

"I'd rather die than eat that."

Cook sighs dramatically. "You're such a picky eater. You don't like spinach, oatmeal raisin..."

"Um, no one likes oatmeal raisin cookies. People buy it probably because they thought it was chocolate chip."

"Fine, but I can make healthy desserts," Cook suggests. "You can have a cheat day." I nod, liking this idea. "Meredith, you're not even fat. I keep telling Grace she doesn't need to starve herself, and I hate when people do. We humans need to eat. Eat so you can have the proper nutrition and energy. Plus, we're werewolves so we need more energy than the average human."

"I guess you're right," I say, patting my stomach. "I need to lose a little though." That four pack ain't going to make itself.

"Well I'm sure your mate thinks otherwise," Cook gives me a knowing smile.

I narrow my eyes, "So if I was the size of an elephant, I'd still be as desirable?" Not that there would be anything wrong. I mean fat people were still people. 

"I think even if you never showed your face, you would be to your mate," Cook says.

"Hmph, doubtful but I'll take your word for it." I almost leave, but Cook clears his throat really loudly.

"Your pill."

"Do I have to?" I sound like a whiny pup. Cook places a large glass of water.

"Yes, you have to," Cook answers.

I take the glass of water in one hand, and take the small pill in the other.  I close my eyes and quickly place the chalky like substance in my mouth, taking a huge swish of water, swallowing the pill as I drink in the water.

"Luna you are so dramatic," Cook laughs heartily. 

"That was the worst."

"Maybe if you eat the proper amount of spinach, you wouldn't have to."

"I'm sure there are other food that have iron in them other than spinach," I say.

"I've made sure to have made you a lot of seafood and beans included in your lunches and dinner," Cook nods. "Now that you've done wasted time, you still can go train with the rest of the pack."

The Demon Alpha (Stryders #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now