Part 2 | When Time Runs Out

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The TARDIS materialized at the end of the universe.

Not the exact end. There was a few extra days, maybe a week if the inhabitants of the STRY-TLR Earth base were lucky. The stars had been dying for years and there were maybe twenty left, including the one that the base orbited. The inhabitants were five of maybe one hundred beings all across the remains of the universe, spread out across the infinite darkness of the universe, which is why they were so surprised when a blue box appeared in the middle of their control room, and the Doctor stepped out playing 'It's The End of the World As We Know It' on his recorder. He was immediately surrounded by all five members of the base, armed with lasers aimed right at him.

"Oh, I do apologize. Have I come in at a bad time?" He asked.

One of the inhabitants, a tall blonde-haired human man in a white bodysuit, stepped forward. "I'd say you have," he said. "The universe is ending."

"Oh, it is, is it? I've always wanted to see the end of the universe outside the confines of the Academy's monitors."

"What is your name? And how did you get here? There aren't any living creatures for several light years."

"There aren't. You don't have to worry about any of that. I'm the Doctor, and I've come here from the Earth year 1969. I'm a time traveller, you see."

"Like we're going to believe that," another of the inhabitants said, a green-skinned girl with black hair, a black-and-white suit minus a tie, and a tail. "You've got to be one of those hallucinations, or construct by the parasite sun creature." She raised her rifle to point at the Doctor's forehead.

"I can assure you that I'm me. Not the original me, of course, and I won't be me me for much longer. I just recently had to enlist the help of my own people, the Time Lords. They captured me and will force me to change my face very soon, but the CIA recruited me for a few more trips. I've already had an interesting adventure with a few of my future selves in the Death Zone. Now I'm here." he said.

Another one of the inhabitants, a human-looking male with glowing eyes, brown hair, silvery skin, a white T-shirt and blue jeans, and a contraption attached to his left pointer finger, stepped forward. "I've heard of the Time Lords before. If you are one of them, then you'd have two hearts." He said.

"Oh, scan me. I can assure you that I am what I say I am," said the Doctor.

Before anyone could do anything, the air shimmered a few feet to the left of the TARDIS, and a transparent figure of a man in a long brown coat, a brown suit, red converse sneakers, a red tie, and spiky brown hair appeared. He was running away from where he'd appeared towards the door leading to the rest of the base, but seconds before he got there another one of the inhabitants, a black-haired female human in another white bodysuit, ran forward with a small device and threw it at the image. When the two touched, the image seemed to bend and got sucked into the device. The woman walked over calmly and retrieved it.

"What was that?" The Doctor asked, slightly nervous and more than a little curious.

"They've been happening for months. It's just a side effect of the universe dying." The male human said.

"No, this is something else. I know the theory, that at the end of the universe holograms of the next universe will appear. But these are obviously not of the supposed next universe. That bloke there? A Time Lord, one of my lot, and definitely NOT from the next universe. Something isn't right here."

The final member of the base stepped forward, causing the Doctor to get a strange feeling in his stomach. He was a relatively short man with dirty blonde hair and a flat face, with dark skin and a red cloak.

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