Part 12 | X

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Whenever the TARDIS materialized in a universe-wide dystopia, then something bad was guaranteed to happen. The only reason the Doctor didn't immediately leave was because he'd been summoned by the mysterious X, who he'd met once before two regenerations ago, without whom he'd never survived that Silent.

The universe that the Doctor arrived in was fragmented, about five pieces of a universe, each only a quarter of a galaxy across. They were held together by an interuniversal form of gravity that kept this makeshift universe from literally falling to pieces.

The TARDIS materialized on a desert planet, with wind and dust blowing everywhere and a lone figure in a billowing black cloak and goggles standing alone. Since the Doctor had seen him last, he'd swapped his sweatshirt for a black collared shirt that was unbuttoned halfway down, revealing a dark blue t-shirt. He also had a staff that seemed to be made of salvaged tech, but otherwise he hadn't changed a bit.

The Doctor had. Last time he'd seen X, he'd been almost bald and been wearing a leather jacket. Now, he had his dark red bow tie and tweed jacket, but X knew it was him.

"Hello again, X," the Doctor said. "You said you needed my help. What with?"

X bowed in a very formal manner, then gestured towards the TARDIS. The Doctor nodded and opened the door, gesturing for X to enter, which he did. When both were inside, the Doctor activated the dematerialization process, and X lowered his goggles to around his neck.

"Thank you for coming, Doctor. I know you're busy trying to find your friend Clara, and I'm grateful that you took the time to assist me," he said.

"How did you-"

"How I know what you're up to is not important at the moment. What is important is that you assist me in saving what is left of the universe I live in."

"You need what now?"

"In this universe of leftovers, the intergalactic police force is a race you know as the Reapers. Do you remember them? A race of dragon-like creatures who arrive at paradoxes and temporal contradictions to sterilize the wound in time?"

The Doctor nodded.

"After the paradox ravaged the universe, the Reapers descended upon the remains and began patrolling everywhere, and now they've set their sights on the device that maintains the universal gravity. They believe they can take care of it better than the Gargoyles, but only the Gargoyles know everything about the device. The Reapers still seek to take the device, and without assistance the Gargoyles will lose. The Reapers are the most powerful single race left over."

The Doctor stood there a moment, taking in everything that X had just said. A universe of leftovers was under threat from a race of time dragons. After seeing dinosaurs on a spaceship, this didn't actually seem very ridiculous.

X grabbed a lever on the console and turned it in a circle, and the TARDIS made a materialization noise. The TARDIS appeared in an old temple-like stone building with poor lighting, so the Doctor grabbed his flashlight, but X stopped him.

"The Gargoyles can only speak if they can't be seen," X said. "Leave the flashlight here."

The Doctor slowly put the flashlight back down and followed X out the door into the dimly lit stone room. The only reason he could see at all was due to a hole in the roof that let in a little light.

X walked into the middle of the room and raised his staff. "I brought him, your old enemy and the only one who could defeat the Reapers! Gargoyles, I present to you... the Doctor!"

For a moment, nothing happened. Then a grinding noise echoed throughout the room, like stone on stone, and a familiar voice was heard from the corner.

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