Chapter Fourteen - Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down

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Chapter Fourteen

Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down


In my mind, I had just rested my eyes for a minute or two before some tingling sensation came over me. My eyes popped open and the dull pain in my head reminded me I was, indeed, alive. Thankfully, the nausea subsided and I was thinking a bit clearer than before. Maybe a minute or two of being calm and resting my eyes was all I needed?

But what made me open my eyes?

My limbs were beyond stiff and sore, practically dead weight on my body. I let out a massive groan as I hoisted myself from the couch and made my way towards the front door, keys in hand. Although slightly groggy, I was still fully aware of what I needed to do before Matthew arrived. I placed my hand on the doorknob, ready to open the front door, when I realized my wedding band was still upstairs. Wrecking my bike without it would be a complete waste.

I walked up the stairs and snatched the ring out of my bedroom, holding it in the palm of my hand as I headed back down the stairs. My hands needed some serious soap and water before I slid this back on my finger, especially considering they were still covered in a bit of dried blood. Placing the ring on the counter, I began scrubbing my hands in the sink and eyeing my reflection in the window. My face looked a bit more swollen than before, and the gash on my forehead at least stopped bleeding. It was, however, obvious how much blood I must have lost from the head wound. My skin was pale and the circles under my eyes a deep shade of purple. I was just beginning to pull my hair back to examine the gash when, slowly, icy chills began to spread across my skin.


I don't know why I didn't notice it was dark out. I should have, especially considering I was staring directly out the window as I was washing my hands. I must have been out for hours. Sure, I could throw myself down the stairs right now and pretend I was just accident prone, though Matthew knew I wasn't. It also wouldn't explain the gasoline on my clothes or the dust on my boots. But it was better than nothing, right? It's not like he could walk in and then I explain I woke up like this.

My body was stiff, with each muscle reminding me I've already had one unexpected trip down a flight of stairs. I had just gotten to the bottom of the stairs when I realized the chills I had felt a few moments ago were what had awoken me nearly ten minutes ago. Ten minutes. If Matthew was here, he would have been inside by now, right?

I opened the front door and popped my head outside to look towards the garage, expecting to see it open with Matthew's expensive sports car humming inside of it. But it wasn't. I didn't even see the garage.

I saw a chest.

The moment my eyes landed on some man's chest, my head was yanked back and I went flying out of my house and tumbled down the stairs of my porch. It wouldn't have hurt me as much as it had if I wasn't already bruised. It hurt like hell, injuring my already injured ankle.

"Get up!" a voice snapped, following by a sharp and solid blow to my stomach.

The ground beneath me swirled around me and I began choking in every ounce of oxygen I could, all while a pair of dirty sneakers came towards me.

"I said get up!" the voice commanded again, now with a fistful of my hair in his hand.

I struggled against his hold on my hair, my feet practically off the ground as he pulled me higher. Just when I was certain my scalp was about to rip from my body, my swinging feet finally made contact with my attacker's throat.

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