Chapter Twenty - Risky Business

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Chapter Twenty

Risky Business


At first they had me try on about twenty dresses for the ball and quickly realized the first dress I tried on was the one for me. After already being exhausted from putting on dress after dress, I was thrown into a chair and my hair was braided like a crown on top of my head. My makeup was done rather dark and smoky, with only black eyeshadow and a hint of red. The dress they zipped me into was simple yet elegant. It was black and formfitting, and it went all the way down to the floor. It had small straps to hold it up and a large swoop down the neck that would usually create major cleavage, but I did not contain boobs so I just had a shadow of them. There was also a long cut in the dress that went up to my hip, which I liked because it made me not walk like a mummy.

The party started before I was even in my black stilettos, and Matthew was forced to go downstairs without me to greet the guests. He has been rather distant the past week, not that I blamed him. We basically only spoke when necessary. I preferred him being angry with me than constantly being disappointed and miserable. When Matthew was angry, I didn't feel so guilty for being a bitch to him.

I gave myself one final glance in the mirror and began making my way downstairs to where the music was humming. I've been to two of these before so I knew exactly what to expect. I've even learned several of the classic dances they performed. That's what was happening right now with the crowd of guests. Everyone was dancing completely in-sync. They looked like actors in a period film how perfectly they were dancing. My eyes roamed over the crowd and met a pair of familiar green eyes that caused a mixture of pain and relief to stir inside of me.

Matthew pulled away from the group of men he was talking to and made his way through the crowd to meet me near the stairs. Although there was a hint of coolness in his features, a faint smile was pulling at his lips and he slowly placed a hand on my lower back. "You look beautiful," he whispered into my ear before pulling me towards the crowd.

As Matthew introduced me to a few new people as his "beautiful wife" and kissed my hand a few times, it was easy to be amazed by his social charm. Matthew was perfect when it came to socializing. He was clever, funny, fearless, and remembered details people have mentioned to him over the years which he brings up in conversation, such as now.

"How is your house in Iran, Josiah? Do you still stay there during the fall?" Matthew inquired, hand still on the small of my back.

Josiah beamed so bright it hurt my eyes. "Yes! I absolutely love it during the fall. You must come and visit sometime. I would be honored."

Matthew gave a thoughtful smile and patted Josiah on the shoulder before giving a nod. "I'll check my schedule. I'd love to meet your mate, Emily. How is she doing?"

Josiah's smile was so wide, I waited for his cheeks to rip near his lips. "Emily is doing well! She wanted to come, but I thought it best for her to stay in Germany for now because she has friends there and doesn't know much about our world yet."

"Is Emily human?" I asked, though I knew it was a rude question.

Josiah looked at me with a kind sparkle in his grey eyes. "Yes. We've been together nearly two years now. I was inspired by yours and Matthew's marriage, I decided to try dating outside of the usual circle. I am so overjoyed I had! Emily is absolutely incredibly..." If Josiah smiled any wider, his face might stick that way.

Matthew's fingers gently rubbed at my back, though his face looked like he wasn't aware he was doing it. He still seemed just as pleasant and friendly as he was. Matthew can maintain his charm in during a hurricane, I swear. Nothing makes him break character in front of his followers.

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