Chapter Eleven

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Sarah groaned and flopped down on her bed "I can't pick".

"How hard can it be?" Andrew called from their bathroom "the colors are red, white or blue. You only have to pick one of them".

"Yeah but that is only three colors. Picking the right dress that is one of those colors is the difficult part" Sarah groaned and looked at the dresses hanging in the closet. There was a tight long sleeves cherry red one, a royal blue with small sleeves and silver along the neckline and a white sleeveless dress with a silver waistline.

"Wear the white one" Andrew stood in the bathroom doorway watching her.

"But I just wore white the other day" Sarah pointed out.

"That's true" Andrew walked over to his tie rack "but not many people wear white to this event, most of the younger attendees wear red and the older ones wear blue."

Sarah nodded and lifted the dress to get a better look at it.

"That one is pretty mama" Emma shuffled into their room and jumped onto her bed.

"Oh thank you baby girl" Sarah paused for a moment then frowned and turned to look at her daughter "what are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be in your room getting ready for bed?"

"I was" Emma curled up under the covers "but then I got lonely and came to find you and daddy".

"Oh sweetheart" Sarah leaned over and kissed her daughter's head "I wish I could spend more time with you but I need to get ready for the Gala".

"I know mama" Emma yawned a little.

"How about I take you back to your room" Drew reached over and scooped her up "and tell you a nice bedtime story".

"Yes please daddy" Emma wrapped her small arms around his neck and yawned again.

Drew smiled and Sarah "just comes get me when you are ready". Sarah nodded and Drew carried Emma to her room. "What story shall we have tonight?"

"A family one" Emma said as Andrew laid her down in bed.

"A family one? Alright" Andrew lay down next to her and started to think. "Well there was the time you were born..." Andrew paused to think about it, but he couldn't remember. Why couldn't he remember his own daughter's birth? "Or when your mom and I got married" but he didn't remember that either. Gently he stroked Emma's hair hoping she would forget about the story.


"Yes sugar plum?" Drew said smiling.

"Can I have a baby sister?" Emma looked up at him with big round eyes.

Andrew couldn't help but laugh, "You already have a little brother. And you have a big brother too. Why would you want a baby sister too?"

"Cause I could play with her and we can name her Princess".

He laughed again "Princess? You want to name your little sister Princess? I don't know about that one baby girl. But I can see about getting you a baby sister. What if you get a baby brother instead?"

"He can go live with grandma and grandpa".

"Who is going to go live with grandma and grandpa?" Sarah asked walking into the room.

"Oh no one" Andrew chuckled and kissed Emma on the head. When he got up and looked at his wife he gasped. "You're beautiful". He looked Sarah up and down. She was wearing the long white gown with the silver waist. She had her brown hair in curls and pinned over her left shoulder. Her outfit was complete with silver dangly earrings and a matching necklace.

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