Chapter Eighteen

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"Mommy! Mommy!" Christian ran into Sarah's room. He struggled to lift himself on the bed but after a few tries of holding the covers and jumping up he was finally able to kick his little leg onto the bed and pull himself up. "Mommy up. Wake up" his little hands pushed into Sarah's side bouncing her on the bed a little.

Sarah let a small laugh slip through but quickly bit her lips to hold more back. She didn't want Chris to be thinking she was awake just yet.

"Mommy" Chris sat back and poked her cheek gently "open your eyes".

"Isn't she awake yet?" now Emma was running into the room and climbed onto the bed next to her brother "mommy you got to get up".

"You got to!" Chris echoed.

"And why do I got to?" Sarah asked, still not opening her eyes.

"Because it's Christmas!" both kids cheered at the same time.

Sarah couldn't help but laugh. Of course the kids would be excited on a day like today. They didn't have a lot but they did have a tiny tree and a couple presents under there for each child. Of course she had more money then last year, but with everything that happened she wanted to save most of it – just in case.

"Yes indeed it is" Sarah smiled and sat up "I suppose it is time for breakfast".

Christian's eyes widened "but mommy! What about Santa Claus and the presents!"

Sarah laughed "we will get to that part baby but first we need to get some food in those bellies". She reached out and gently started to tickle Christian's tummy. He released a fit of laughter. Emma giggled just watching them, "I'm coming for you next!" Sarah reached out and started to tickle Emma's sides.

"What is all the noise?" Brayden, sounding much older then his seven years walked into the room rubbing his tired eyes. If Sarah knew her son then she was willing to bet that he was up late trying to catch Santa Claus.

"We are waking mommy up" Emma said sliding off the bed.

"And now that I am up" Sarah said "it's officially time to eat". She lifted Christian into her arms and carried him down the stairs to kitchen. Brayden and Emma tried to run off to the living room, where the tiny tree rested but Sarah reached for her daughters hand "nope, don't even think about it".

The children trudged after Sarah as she headed into the kitchen. They went about their typical routine of Brayden and Emma setting the table when Sarah made breakfast. As her usual Christmas tradition Sarah made a tray of fresh cinnamon buns. She had prepared the buns the night before and left them on a tray in the fridge. It was easy to just stick them in the oven.

Just after closing the oven she heard her phone ring. She grabbed it and glanced expecting to see Andrew's name but instead saw his sister's Marissa's. She accepted the video chat and smiled into the camera and waved "Hi Marissa, Merry Christmas".

"Merry Christmas Sarah!" Marissa replied. Her brother ben pushed his way into view "Merry Christmas" he added.

"Where are my dears?" Josephine pushed her way in between her children. "Happy holidays Sarah" she beamed.

"Kids come say merry Christmas" Sarah instructed. All three rushed over to wish the family good holidays and Sarah took the time to take the cinnamon buns from the oven as the kids talked to the Cavanaugh family.

"How is Italy?" Sarah asked once she got the phone back and the kids were settled with breakfast.

"Oh it is beautiful" Jose said, "just look at how nicely the place is set up". She flipped the phone around to show the large living room filled with people. Sarah could see kids on the floor playing with toys and adults sitting around the fire. She took the chance to look around the room, searching for the one person she had hoped to see, but he wasn't there.

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