Chapter Sixteen

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It had been three weeks since the incident at thanksgiving. Andrew hadn't even talked to Sarah within that time and he had seen any of the kids. He was hurt, beyond hurt. She had lied and deceived him; he wasn't ready to forgive her for that. He had however reconnected with his family last week. His mother hadn't given him much choice in the matter; she kept coming over everyday and waited outside until he agreed to talk with her.

Josephine had taken the time to explain to him what had happened that night and what the doctors had told them about his amnesia. She also told him why they had chosen to do what they did. She thought it would be best if they went along with him think Sarah was his family, she at the time had believed that it would be best for him. However now she realized how much discovering the truth now had hurt and she deeply apologized for it. It took Andrew a little time but he was able to forgive her, she did seem to be truly sorry for what happened.

"You need get over this funk you're in" Josephine pulled the curtains aside and let the sun into Andrew's bedroom.

"Did you really use the word funk mom?" Andrew sat up in his bed "and this isn't just a funk mother, I just discovered the last two months of my life was a lie".

Josephine sighed and sat down on the bed "son, it's been three weeks. You haven't even tried to forgive Sarah".

Andrew shrugged "yeah but I forgave you, you're family after all".

"What makes us family Andrew?" Josephine patted her son's leg "is it blood or is it love?"

Andrew opened his mouth to answer, even though he didn't really know how to reply but Jose cut him off.

"If its blood, then you have a baby on the way that is yours by blood. Sarah is pregnant with your child Andrew, and no sulking in your room is going to change that." Josephine continued without leaving a space for Andrew to even talk "and if your answer is love, which I hope it is, then you have no reason not to forgive Sarah".

"Sarah lied to me" Andrew said.

"Because she loves you, can't you see how much she loves you" Jose said "and not only does she love you but you have three children that are head over heels for you".

"They aren't my kids".

Josephine shook her head "they are in all the ways that count. Sure maybe you don't share any DNA, but you share something that is hell of a lot better".

"And what is better mom?" Andrew asked when she didn't continue.

"A connection is better" Josephine said, "you and those children had built a bond and that is what counts. You are their daddy. When things go wrong they looked to you for support and when things went right you were one of the first people they wanted to brag to".

Andrew sighed and ran his hand through his hair "I would never turn my back on Brayden, Emma or Christian".

"You already have" Josephine said shaking her head "three weeks ago you left them without saying goodbye, and you haven't talked to them since. Those little kids have no idea what happened to their daddy. They already lost one father, now they are losing another one".

Again Andrew sighed and rubbed his hands across his face, he seems to have made a big mistake "I didn't mean to make it look like I abandoned the kids... I'm just so mad at what Sarah did".

"Andrew" Josephine pushed her sons hair back from his face "Sarah was only doing what your father and I asked her to do. If you want to blame someone then blame him and I".

"But you didn't force her to agree" Andrew said shaking his head "she knew it was wrong but yet she agreed to do it. She could have said no".

"We didn't force her, but her situation did" Jose said. "She was about to be kicked out of her house, she had no roof over her kids heads and no food for them to eat. To add to all that she now had an abusive ex on the loose. We offered her what she needed most, protection. And if you blame her for willing accepting that then you aren't the son I raised".

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