Chapter Twelve

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"What are we doing here?" Brayden asked looking up at Drew as they stood in line at Yankee Stadium.

"We are going to a baseball game" Andrew handed the tickets over and they were ushered inside.

"Why?" Brayden frowned and looked at Andrew in a suspicious way as if he was up to something.

"Because I know you like baseball" Drew stood in line at the concession stand. It had taken a couple weeks but Drew was finally able to convince Brayden to practice throwing the ball to him. Each day Brayden was getting better but he still had a lot of work to do before he was ready for next season.

"I've never been to a game before" Brayden said "I saw them on TV but never in person".

Drew smiled down at the young boy "I know. I confirmed with your mom but by the way you talked before I could tell you never saw it in real life".

"How can you tell something like that from my voice? Brayden frowned.

"Because when you talk about baseball you talk about it as if it was a sport".

Brayden looked at all the other sports lovers standing around wearing jerseys "but it is a sport".

"It is" Drew patted Brayden's shoulder "to those who watch it. But to those who play it it's a passion, it's their heart".

The younger boy nodded but didn't say anything. This clearly gave him something to think about.

"What would you like?" Drew asked when they reached the cashier.

"I don't know" Brayden mumbled.

"okay we will take the lot' Drew said "two large fries, large nachos with extra cheese, four hot dogs and two large cheery soda's".

"You really like to eat don't you?" Brayden asked looking up at him.

Drew laughed a little "when you go through puberty you will start eating a lot too".

"What's puberty?"

"Uh that is another talk for another time when you are a little older" Drew took the food and paid the cashier. "Come on lets go".

"So we sit here and scream?" Brayden followed after him as they walked through the busy crowds. "Can we do that at home?"

"Remember what I said about passion? The same goes for fans. When you sit in the stadium surrounded by hundreds of other people who want the same thing as you then the game is just more enjoyable" Drew took a seat right behind the dugout. Being a rich and powerful man did have its perks.

"Wow we are so close" Brayden gasped and looked down at the players.

"We couldn't get any closer unless we were on the field" Drew smiled and stood as the anthem started to play.

Is everything going okay? – S

Andrew's phone buzzed in his pocket and pulled it out to look at the message Sarah sent him. He couldn't help but laugh, of course she was worried about her son. It was his first time in such a large place with so many people. If Drew wasn't there himself he would be worried about Brayden possibly getting lost or kidnapped.

He snapped a quick photo of Brayden stuffing nachos into his face and sent it to Sarah.

He is having a great time – A

He looks like he is having so much fun – S

Andrew looked over at his son and smiled.

He is – A

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